affilimator 0.0.3
A simple affilimator client gem
14.261 Descargas
affilinet 0.1.0
Gem to access the rest (actually only get but...) API of affilinet
8.320 Descargas
affine 0.2.3
Simple affine cipher for Ruby
17.391 Descargas
affinity 0.0.1
description coming soon
6.232 Descargas
affinitylabs-subdomain_routes 0.3.1
SubdomainRoutes add subdomain conditions to the Rails routing system. Routes may be res...
6.086 Descargas
affinity_propagation 0.2.0
Affinity Propagation is a clustering algorithm that does not require pre-specifying the...
5.587 Descargas
affirm 1.1.2
Ruby client library for integrating with Affirm financing payments
239.075 Descargas
affirmative 1.1.0
Add affirmative? Method to String Class to Check if Y, Yes, etc.
6.735 Descargas
AffirmIt! is the supportive testing framework for Ruby..
6.125 Descargas
affirm-ruby 1.2.0
Ruby client library for API
55.365 Descargas
affirm-ruby-api 1.0.3
Affirm Ruby API for enabling Affirm Financing in your Ruby based projects.
10.616 Descargas
affix 0.1.0
Affix provides an unified API to access different payment gateways in Indonesia.
1.855 Descargas
affixapi 1.1.102
The API documentation. # Introduction Affix API is an OAuth 2.1 applicati...
17.362 Descargas
affogata_love_muffins 0.9.9
Orchestrator harness for new applications.
6.788 Descargas
afgn_sms 0.1
Send SMS with Message Media (
4.523 Descargas
afgor-ui 0.3.0
Created for designing web apps and websites. Has some nice effects and is fully flat ...
13.700 Descargas
afinn 0.1.1
Sentiment analysis in Ruby. Languages supported: English 🇬🇧, Danish 🇩🇰
3.908 Descargas
afinstaller 0.1.8
Simple Ruby gem to install and build Out of the Box iOS or Android AF projects.
13.669 Descargas
afinus 1.5.1
AFINUS is ruby gem to destroy data and clean device. This is useful if you want to sell...
1.996 Descargas
Afip 1.5.6
Gema para la comunicacion con los Web Services de AFIP.
238.310 Descargas
afip_bill 0.1.0
Allows you to generate an AFIP bill in PDF format
4.586 Descargas
afip-public 0.0.2
A simple helper for AFIP public API!
2.853 Descargas
afip.rb 1.1.0
AfipSDK is the easyest way to connect with AFIP
1.172 Descargas
afipws 2.3.0
Ruby client para los web services de la AFIP
91.416 Descargas
afip_wsfe 0.2.7
Wrapper para usar web service de factura electrónica de AFIP
20.305 Descargas
afk 0.0.1
Export Trello todo lists for printing or offline use
3.104 Descargas
afl 0.0.3
American Fuzzy Lop (AFL) support for ruby
2.811 Descargas
a_flanagan_view_tool 0.1.2
Provides generated HTML data for a Rails application
3.086 Descargas
aflash 0.1.1
AFlash displays flash messages on ajax calls.
3.771 Descargas
aflatter-vote_fu 0.0.11
VoteFu provides the ability to have multiple voting entities on an arbitrary number of ...
6.624 Descargas