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azure_mgmt_datalake_store 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Resource Provider DataLake Store Client Library for Ruby

57.002 Descargas

azure_mgmt_data_migration 0.18.1

Microsoft Azure Data Migration Services Library for Ruby

17.460 Descargas

azure_mgmt_datashare 0.17.2

Official Ruby client library to consume Datashare

10.625 Descargas

azure_mgmt_deployment_manager 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume DeploymentManager

7.939 Descargas

azure_mgmt_dev_spaces 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Management DevSpaces Library for Ruby

21.271 Descargas

azure_mgmt_devtestlabs 0.18.1

Microsoft Azure Dev Test Lab Management Client Library for Ruby

58.503 Descargas

azure_mgmt_digitaltwins 0.18.0

Official Ruby client library to consume Digitaltwins

4.944 Descargas

azure_mgmt_dns 0.17.5

Microsoft Azure Dns Management Client Library for Ruby

1.766.654 Descargas

azure_mgmt_edgegateway 0.18.1

Microsoft Azure Edge Gateway Client Library for Ruby

12.555 Descargas

azure_mgmt_event_grid 0.21.0

Microsoft Azure Event Grid Services Library for Ruby

62.273 Descargas

azure_mgmt_event_hub 0.18.2

Microsoft Azure Event Hub Library for Ruby

52.028 Descargas

azure_mgmt_features 0.17.5

Microsoft Azure Resource Provider Feature Management Client Library for Ruby

71.000 Descargas

azure_mgmt_graph 0.15.3

Microsoft Azure Active Directory Graph Management Client Library for Ruby

75.851 Descargas

azure_mgmt_hanaonazure 0.18.1

Official Ruby client library to consume Hanaonazure

13.746 Descargas

azure_mgmt_hdinsight 0.18.5

Microsoft Azure Hdinsight Management Client Library for Ruby

34.558 Descargas

azure_mgmt_healthcare_apis 0.17.0

Official Ruby client library to consume HealthcareApis

2.086 Descargas

azure_mgmt_hybrid_compute 0.17.0

Official Ruby client library to consume HybridCompute

3.437 Descargas

azure_mgmt_import_export 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume ImportExport

8.411 Descargas

azure_mgmt_insights 0.10.1

Microsoft Azure Insights Library for Ruby. Starting July 2017, this gem will no longer ...

10.115 Descargas

azure_mgmt_iot_central 0.19.4

Microsoft Azure IotCentral Management Client Library for Ruby

32.810 Descargas

azure_mgmt_iot_hub 0.17.5

Microsoft Azure IoT Hub Management Client Library for Ruby

56.932 Descargas

azure_mgmt_key_vault 0.17.7

Microsoft Azure Resource Management Key Vault Client Library for Ruby

4.916.423 Descargas

azure_mgmt_kubernetes_configuration 0.18.0

Official Ruby client library to consume KubernetesConfiguration

9.459 Descargas

azure_mgmt_kusto 0.20.0

Microsoft Azure Kusto Management Client Library for Ruby

44.136 Descargas

azure_mgmt_labservices 0.17.2

Microsoft Azure Labservices Library for Ruby

10.830 Descargas

azure_mgmt_links 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Links Library for Ruby

30.997 Descargas

azure_mgmt_locks 0.17.4

Microsoft Azure Resource Lock Management Client Library for Ruby

77.835 Descargas

azure_mgmt_logic 0.18.3

Microsoft Azure Logic Management Client Library for Ruby

62.029 Descargas

azure_mgmt_machine_learning 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Management Client Library for Ruby

54.279 Descargas

azure_mgmt_machine_learning_services 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Services Management Client Library for Ruby

14.148 Descargas