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acts_as_friendable 1.0.1

ActsAsFriendable provides a Friendship model, relevent scopes, and many instance method...

22 555 Téléchargements

acts_as_fu 0.0.9

Generate ActiveRecord models on the fly for your tests

261 972 Téléchargements

acts_as_full_calendar_event 1.0.7

Rails gem to allowing models to be events for full calendar

16 470 Téléchargements

acts_as_fulltextable 0.1.1

Creates an auxiliary table in order to be used with full-text searches

16 467 Téléchargements

acts-as-func 1.6.1


24 473 Téléchargements

acts_as_fu_rails3 0.0.1

acts_as_fu for rails3

7 640 Téléchargements

acts_as_fuzzy_search 0.0.1

Return Activerecord records that match a search query. Ideally used for small sets of d...

9 645 Téléchargements

acts_as_geocodable 2.1.1

Simple geocoding for Active Record models. See the README for more details.

133 248 Téléchargements

acts_as_git 0.2.5

Make your field act as a git repo. Save the content to a file, and load the content fro...

28 981 Téléchargements

acts_as_graph 0.0.3

A very simple acts as graph for your model

4 510 Téléchargements

acts_as_graph_diagram 0.1.1

Extends Active Record to add simple function for draw the Force Directed Graph with html.

1 862 Téléchargements

acts_as_graph_object 0.0.11

ActiveRecord extension that maps models to Facebook Open Graph objects.

69 703 Téléchargements

acts_as_graph_vertex 1.1.0

Simple mixin for adding graph like functions (parents, children, traversal, etc) to any...

7 204 Téléchargements

acts_as_gravatar 1.0.2

acts_as_gravatar provide simple access to gravatar from ActiveRecord.Can interoperate w...

16 158 Téléchargements

acts_as_happy_tree 1.0.1

Forked from acts_as_tree this should be a drop in replacement but with more features an...

17 207 Téléchargements

acts_as_has_default 0.0.5

This "acts_as" extension provides the capabilities for selecting default model accordin...

21 029 Téléchargements

acts_as_hashable 1.3.2

This is a small library that helps increase the pliability of object constructor signat...

47 930 Téléchargements

acts_as_hashed 1.1.0

ActsAsHashed is helpful to set a hash_code column based on SecureRandom.hex(16).

36 514 Téléchargements

acts_as_hashids 0.2.0

Use Youtube-Like ID in ActiveRecord seamlessly.

89 232 Téléchargements

acts_as_hashish 0.4.3

A sortable and searchable list backed by Redis. You can use it as a quick actionable w...

50 601 Téléchargements

acts_as_has_many 0.1.4

acts_as_has_many is a gem that makes it easy to work with JSONB arrays as Active Record...

5 188 Téléchargements

acts_as_hasselhoff 0.0.2

Injects Hoff-based magic into your Rails application.

7 471 Téléchargements

acts_as_having_string_id 0.2.7

Makes a model accept and expose a seemingly random string id

26 693 Téléchargements

acts_as_historical 0.1.5

ActiveRecord plugin for historical data (stock prices, pageviews, etc).

88 514 Téléchargements

acts_as_hoc_avatarable 0.1.13

Easy installation and helpers for using active storage for an avatar

27 116 Téléchargements

acts_as_hoc_pushable 1.0.1

Add push tokens to model

4 448 Téléchargements

acts_as_hoc_user 1.0.11

This gem makes it easy to authenticate a user by email and password

21 761 Téléchargements

acts_as_holdable 0.1.3

Description of ActsAsHoldable.

6 568 Téléchargements

acts_as_html_sanitized 0.0.1

Sanitizes your ActiveRecord attributes.

4 581 Téléchargements

acts_as_human 3.0.2

Rails plugin to handle first_name, middle_names and last_name combinations.

43 906 Téléchargements