advisor 0.6.0
AOP with anonymous modules
43 215 Téléchargements
advisors_command_client 2.2.0
Ruby Client for integrating with Advisors Command CRM
23 565 Téléchargements
advocately 0.0.1
Advocately Ruby Client
2 917 Téléchargements
advops 0.1.0
A rubygem DSL for advance operations on OS systems
2 758 Téléchargements
adwaita 4.2.4
Ruby/Adwaita is a Ruby binding of Adwaita.
8 851 Téléchargements
adwords4r 19.4.0
Adwords4r provides an easy to use way to access the AdWords API in Ruby. Currently the ...
162 622 Téléchargements
adwords_location 0.0.4
Data adwords used for geotargeting.
8 461 Téléchargements
adwords_scraper 0.0.2
Scrapes Google Adwords ads using Mechanize
10 186 Téléchargements
adx_toolkit 0.0.1
Toolkit for Core ADX
2 375 Téléchargements
adyen 2.4.0
Package to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails applicat...
884 497 Téléchargements
adyen-admin 0.0.18
A little Gem to make your life easier when dealing with Adyen skins
85 394 Téléchargements
adyen_client 0.1.0
Does not try to be smart, stays close to the documentation while adhering to ruby conve...
6 153 Téléchargements
adyen-cse-ruby 1.1.3
Adyen's Client Side Encryption (CSE) library for Ruby.
138 659 Téléchargements
adyen-cse-ruby-2 2.0.0
Adyen's Client Side Encryption (CSE) library for Ruby.
3 622 Téléchargements
adyen_hpp_hmac_calculator 0.0.2
Merchant signature calculator for Adyen ( payments service. It is...
29 228 Téléchargements
adyen_jpiqueras 2.5.0
Package to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails applicat...
32 009 Téléchargements
adyen-ruby-api-library 10.0.1
Official Adyen API Library for Ruby. Simplifies integrating with the Adyen API,\ inc...
1 487 723 Téléchargements
adyen-skinbuilder 0.4.3
Provides helpful command line tools to run sinatra server and bundle adyen skin files
68 351 Téléchargements
adzap-ar_mailer 2.1.10
Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hund...
111 751 Téléchargements
adzap-cronos 0.4.0
Tool for generating cron intervals using a natural syntax
17 863 Téléchargements
adzap-database_cleaner 0.2.3
Strategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean state for testing.
4 339 Téléchargements
adzap-mustache-rails 1.0.1
Implements Mustache views and templates for Rails 6.x
27 881 Téléchargements
adzap-validates_timeliness 2.2.2
Date and time validation plugin for Rails 2.x which allows custom formats
41 674 Téléchargements
adzap-voice_form 0.3.0
A plugin for Adhearsion to create forms in the style of the VoiceXML form element.
11 092 Téléchargements
adzap-wicked_pdf 2.0.0.beta5
Wicked PDF uses the shell utility wkhtmltopdf to serve a PDF file to a user from HTML. ...
6 265 Téléchargements
adzerk 0.30
Ruby library for the Adzerk API
125 455 Téléchargements
adzerk_decision_sdk 1.0.0.pre.beta.13
Ruby library for the Adzerk Decision API
93 545 Téléchargements
ae 1.8.2
Assertive Expressive is an assertions library specifically designed for reuse by other...
262 542 Téléchargements
ae_active_job_state 1.4.0
Store ActiveJob status in ActiveRecord
17 055 Téléchargements
aeacus 0.1.5
Aeacus, judge of the dead, tells you why your ruby processes died
26 605 Téléchargements