RubyGems Navigation menu


aesthetics 0.1.0

Aesthetics is a simple, modern and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier w...

4 107 Téléchargements

aesthetics-rails 0.1.3.pre.alpha

A light and modular CSS framework that focuses more on conventions.

6 830 Téléchargements

aesthetify 1.1.1

aesthetify is a gem that lets you transform ASCII text into fullwidth text of 2 distinc...

9 307 Téléchargements

aes_tool 0.1.1


972 Téléchargements

aeternitas 0.2.0

Æternitas provides means to regularly 'poll' resources (i.e. a website, twitter feed or...

5 651 Téléchargements

aeternitas_web_ui 0.2.1

Monitoring UI for Æternitas

8 053 Téléchargements

ae_test_coverage 2.0.0

Tools for collecting code coverage from tests.

504 415 Téléchargements

aether 0.1.1

Simple wrapper over Ridley gem (a Chef API client)

41 407 Téléchargements

aetherg 0.5.1

Aetherg (Aether Generator) is a sinatra based App generator. Light-weight for API servi...

56 036 Téléchargements

aetherical_utils 0.0.5

Utility methods from aetherical; used by WAR

17 344 Téléchargements

aethernal-agent 0.6.0

Install and configure apps on the go.

27 258 Téléchargements

aetheryte 0.0.0


296 Téléchargements

ae_users 0.6.0

An authentication and authorization system for Rails

6 709 Téléchargements

ae_users_legacy 0.6.14

Don't use this gem. Use something written in the last couple years instead.

51 457 Téléchargements

ae_users_migrator 1.0.6

Importer and exporter for ae_users databases using JSON-based dumpfiles

37 961 Téléchargements

ae-validates_timeliness 4.0.0

Adds validation methods to ActiveModel for validating dates and times. Works with multi...

59 785 Téléchargements

ae_vault 0.1.0

Scripts to verify / resolve secret manifest

2 374 Téléchargements

aex 0.1.2

Provides a wrapper for api.

6 811 Téléchargements

aez 0.1.5

AEZ binding for ruby.

10 726 Téléchargements

af 0.3.22 CLI

226 542 Téléchargements

afa_client 8.0.1

Placeholder by RubyGems Security Team

4 318 Téléchargements

af-addon-tester 0.0.7

Allows developers to test App Fog add-ons

34 961 Téléchargements

afalkear_translation_center 1.8.4

Translation Center is a multi lingual web engine for Rails 4 apps. It builds a translat...

30 637 Téléchargements

afasgem 0.0.3

A gem that wraps basic afas api functionality

9 341 Téléchargements

af-cache-money 0.2.10

Cache utilities.

6 577 Téléchargements

af-client_side_validations 3.1.4.af3

Client Side Validations

8 044 Téléchargements

afc_salesforce 0.1.29

Ruby lib for handling the connection to REST endpoints on any Sandbox and Production Sa...

61 333 Téléchargements

af-devise 2.1.2

Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden

5 414 Téléchargements

afd_parser 0.2.1

Use this gem to verify and parse data files generated from REPs.

2 725 Téléchargements

af_elastic 2.0.0

Get custom event data and send to elasticsearch.

10 126 Téléchargements