alpha_dog 0.0.3
A happy dog which likes to walk
7 554 Téléchargements
alpha_ess 1.2.3
a Ruby class for Alpha-Ess-API-Calls
3 427 Téléchargements
alphalang 0.3.0
Abstract Syntax Tree building language with a recursive descent parser
4 542 Téléchargements
alphamail 1.0.7
The official gem for sending transactional emails via Comfirm's cloud service AlphaMail
37 275 Téléchargements
alpha-math 0.0.2
The alpha-math is a Ruby gem which allows you to solve some problems related to the num...
4 736 Téléchargements
alphanumeric_secure_random 1.0.0
Simple Gem to generate random alphanumeric secure random string
2 356 Téléchargements
AlphaNumericToken 0.0.1
generate aplha numeric token using alpha numeric token gem.
3 051 Téléchargements
alpha_omega 1.5.15
Common reciples for persistent capistrano releases
1 650 295 Téléchargements
alpha-one 0.5.0
A Jekyll theme designed for enhanced readability of (long) blog posts
38 270 Téléchargements
alpha_pag 0.0.0
Simple helper method to add alphabetical pagination.
5 544 Téléchargements
alphapoint 0.1.7
Alphapoint websocket DSL is to easy request and listen event
19 376 Téléchargements
alpharb 0.2.1
A Ruby library to query the Alpha Vantage API.
4 503 Téléchargements
alphaSDK 0.2.8
Ruby SDK for Gameball's API
13 521 Téléchargements
alphasights-business_time 0.3.0
Have you ever wanted to do things like "6.business_days.from_now" and have weekends and...
6 342 Téléchargements
alphasights-compass 0.8.12
Compass is a Sass-based Stylesheet Framework that streamlines the creation and maintain...
4 229 Téléchargements
alphasights-iban-tools 0.0.5
Validates IBAN account numbers
7 469 Téléchargements
alphasights-integrity 0.1.10
Your Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!
23 893 Téléchargements
alphasights-prawn 0.10.4
Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby
32 638 Téléchargements
alphasights-sinatra-sprockets 0.1.1
Use Sprockets effectively with Sinatra.
37 629 Téléchargements
alphasign 0.3.1
Alphasign is handles communication with LED signs using the Alpha Sign Protocol. These ...
23 941 Téléchargements
alpha-simprini-engine 0.0.4
Comes with some plugins configured and some coffeescript/css/assets preloaded for JOY
20 141 Téléchargements
alphatau 0.1.0
SDL gem for ruby
3 094 Téléchargements
alpha-thm 0.1.6
2 608 Téléchargements
alphavantage 1.2.0
Ruby library for the Alpha Vantage API, a leading provider of stock APIs as well as for...
17 013 Téléchargements
alphavantagerb 1.4.0
A ruby wrapper for Alpha Vantage's HTTP API
26 372 Téléchargements
alphavcli 0.1.0
2 352 Téléchargements
alphmeric 0.0.1
Converts letter to numbers and numbers to letters. For example, '23' will conver to 'W...
5 360 Téléchargements
alphonse 0.0.5
Deploy like The Fonz
15 958 Téléchargements
alphred 2.0.2
Helper utilities for making Alfred workflows.
25 542 Téléchargements
alpinegizmo-xml_serialization 0.1.0
Extends the XML serialization support in activesupport to allow for arrays containing s...
4 242 Téléchargements