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Ruby wrapper for Amcharts

64 883 Téléchargements

amcms_filemanager 0.2.2

Description of AmcmsFilemanager.

796 Téléchargements

am-commons 0.0.16

AM-Commons - Sass/Compass Framework

34 513 Téléchargements

am_credit_card 0.0.1

ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard, without ActiveMerchant

6 397 Téléchargements

amcss 0.0.1

"Attribute Modules (AM) is a technique for using HTML attributes and their values rathe...

3 754 Téléchargements

amcss-rails 0.0.1

Define a series of helpers to make it easy to use AMCSS in Rails project

3 671 Téléchargements

amd 0.1.5

AMD allows you to load js code in async fashion and base on your controller action.

14 975 Téléchargements

amdapi 0.1.2

API wrapper for amdapi api

3 010 Téléchargements

amdgpu_fan 0.9.0

A CLI for interacting with the amdgpu Linux driver

26 189 Téléchargements

amdirent_stripe 0.1.0

Helpers for Stripe

2 807 Téléchargements

ame 1.0.1

Ame Ame provides a simple command-line interface API for Ruby¹. It can be used to...

13 247 Téléchargements

ameblogazo 0.0.2

get ameba blog images

9 607 Téléchargements

amee 4.4.0

Ruby interface to the AMEE carbon calculator

191 680 Téléchargements

amee-analytics 2.1.2

Part of the AMEE AppKit, this gem provides the ability to do mathmatical operations ove...

33 404 Téléchargements

amee-data-abstraction 2.3.1

Part of the AMEEappkit this gem provides a data abstraction layer, decreasing the amoun...

60 723 Téléchargements

amee-data-persistence 2.3.0

Part of the AMEEappkit, this gem provides storage and retrival of data provided by the ...

52 081 Téléchargements

amee_rails_layer 0.6.2

An abstraction layer for building applications around the AMEE API

40 744 Téléchargements

amelia 1.0.0

Description of amelia.

4 023 Téléchargements

amember_pro 0.2.1

aMember Pro Web API REST client

18 157 Téléchargements

amenable 0.1.0

Flexibility when you need it.

5 763 Téléchargements

amend 0.0.1.pre

Basic ODM wrapper for Rethinkdb

2 502 Téléchargements

amendia_remote 0.0.3

This gem helps use api from

11 265 Téléchargements

america 0.0.2

Convert between state names and abbreviations.

7 072 Téléchargements

american_date 1.3.0

American style month/day/year date parsing for ruby 1.9+

11 193 596 Téléchargements

american_date_parsing 0.0.2

American date parsing for ActiveRecord and ActiveModel

7 483 Téléchargements

americommerce-api 0.0.9

Enables Ruby applications to communicate with the Ebay Trading API.

32 291 Téléchargements

amerine-btexty 0.1.2

super simple ruby interface for the btexty api

10 663 Téléchargements

amer_view_tool 0.1.0

Provides generated HTML data for Rails application

2 821 Téléchargements

ames_by_type 0.2.0

This gem extends the functionality of Rails' ActiveModel::Errors w...

7 981 Téléchargements

amethyst 0.0.0

A placeholder until I come up with a better use for the namespace.

4 011 Téléchargements