RubyGems Navigation menu


amirotate 0.0.17

Back up EC2 instances by Snapshot/AMI. Capable of managing backup retention period.

23 600 Téléchargements

amis_es_client 10.1.1


1 817 Téléchargements

ami_spec 1.8.2

Acceptance testing your AMIs

41 404 Téléchargements

amistad 0.10.2

Extends your user model with friendships management methods

153 049 Téléchargements

amistad-actions 0.1.0

Action logging for Amistad friendship model

5 722 Téléchargements

amit_awesome_gem 0.0.0

awesome_gem is the best

3 384 Téléchargements

amiwo 0.0.0

A simple hello world gem

409 Téléchargements

amixer2019 0.2.0

A wrapper around the command-line program amixer. #amixer #alsamixer #raspberrypi

6 410 Téléchargements

amka 1.0.1

Generates and Validates Greek A.M.K.A (social security number) and Luhn IDs, using the ...

6 519 Téléchargements

amkhmer 0.0.0

A simple hello world gem

5 174 Téléchargements

amk_string 0.0.1

The library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...

5 673 Téléchargements


Abstract Markup Language is a robust and feature rich markup language designed to avoid...

60 554 Téléchargements

ammado 1.0.6

Using Ammado API with Ruby (and Rails).

18 625 Téléchargements

ammars_mega_lotto 0.2.0

A Ruby gem to generate lottery drawings.

7 096 Téléchargements

ammeter 1.1.7

Write specs for your Rails 3+ generators

920 574 Téléchargements

ammitto 0.1.0

Amitto: retrieve sanctioned people and organizations from various published sources

1 849 Téléchargements

ammon_view_tool 0.1.0

Description of gem for this application

2 777 Téléchargements

ammu_socket_manager 0.1.1

Ammu Socket Manager is a simple WebSocket Manager that absracts the task of creating an...

9 287 Téléchargements

amnesia 1.2.0

With Amnesia you'll know exactly whats happening with memory when it comes to memcached.

15 669 Téléchargements

amnesie 0.0.9

A tool to make your computer amnesic"

15 793 Téléchargements

amo_crm 0.2.2

Правильный клиент для работы c REST XML API, созданный по принципам SOLID

3 048 Téléchargements

amocrm-rails 0.0.12

Rails wrapper API AmoCrm

19 484 Téléchargements

amoeba 3.3.0

An extension to ActiveRecord to allow the duplication method to also copy associated ch...

6 739 407 Téléchargements

amoeba_deploy_tools 0.0.10

Easy Chef Solo / Knife operation with Amoeba Deploy Tools.

36 367 Téléchargements

amoeba-js-rails 0.1.0

Amoeba.js is a lightweight JS framework designed to work with Rails (but potentially an...

5 124 Téléchargements

amoeba_merge_query 0.0.1

"Build for merge amoeba for sql query"

5 094 Téléchargements

amok_time 0.1.0

Amok Time is designed for end-to-end testing distributed systems where certain behavior...

3 209 Téléchargements

a_moment_ago 1.1.6

A gem that formats time intervals as relative dates in Ruby/Rails

5 704 Téléchargements

amon 0.12.0

Ruby client for the AMEE AMON API

43 218 Téléchargements

amoniac 0.1.7


15 811 Téléchargements