apress-moysklad 0.1.0
Tools for synchronization with MoySklad online-service
3 368 Téléchargements
apress-validators 0.1.0
The gem is supposed to contain validators that can be used ac...
8 681 Téléchargements
apress-yandex_market 0.2.1
Tools for synchronization with Yandex.Market
11 616 Téléchargements
aprico 0.0.2
A Jekyll theme for
4 969 Téléchargements
apricot 0.0.2
A compiler for a Clojure-like programming language on the Rubinius VM
8 479 Téléchargements
apricoteatsgorilla 0.5.13
SOAP communication helper
26 460 Téléchargements
april 0.0.0
IRC Client Library
6 160 Téléchargements
aprilfools 4.1
2 505 Téléchargements
april_oneil 0.0.2
xctool reporter
8 109 Téléchargements
apriori 0.2.2
Ruby Apriori is a library to efficiently find item association rules within large sets ...
11 468 Téléchargements
apriori-algorithm 1.0.1
Apriori Algorithm implementation in Ruby
11 806 Téléchargements
Ruby Apriori is a library to efficiently find item association rules within large sets ...
12 578 Téléchargements
apriori-ruby 0.0.9
Ruby implementation of Apriori Algorithm
15 703 Téléchargements
apromise 0.1.1
Promise implementation for Ruby Async
4 366 Téléchargements
apron 0.1.1
Feature flags for chef nodes
6 642 Téléchargements
apropos 0.2.0
Apropos helps your site serve up the appropriate image for every visitor. Serving multi...
42 655 Téléchargements
aprova_facil 1.4.0
Gem para integração de aplicação Ruby com o gateway de pagamento Aprova Fácil da Cobre ...
23 922 Téléchargements
aproxacs-s3sync 1.3.6
Fork of s3sync to be compatible with ruby 1.9.
44 323 Téléchargements
aproxacs-sms_client 0.1.5
Free SMS libraray in Korea
10 350 Téléchargements
aproxacs-storyq_client 0.1.1
This library makes it easy to use storyq's Open API. You can easily upload documents a...
16 685 Téléchargements
aprs_is 0.1.2
Gem that implements the APRS-IS specification
4 836 Téléchargements
Allows you to interact with the APRS-IS network with your ruby applications
4 153 Téléchargements
aprs_parser 1.0.0
Ruby APRS parser based on libfap
5 850 Téléchargements
ap_ruby_sdk 0.1.4
Alternative Payments ruby gem sdk. Accept local payments from all over the world
12 435 Téléchargements
apruve 2.0.11
Easily integrate the Apruve B2B payment network into your ruby-based application.
60 706 Téléchargements
apscanner 1.2.1
Access Point SNMP Scanner
11 764 Téléchargements
apsis 0.1.0
A simple API wrapper for the APSIS mail marketing service.
8 957 Téléchargements
apsis-on-steroids 0.0.13
A Ruby API for the Apsis mail service.
46 897 Téléchargements
apsoto-sitemap_generator 1.1.0
SitemapGenerator is a Rails gem that makes it easy to generate enterprise-class Sitemap...
12 304 Téléchargements
apsp 0.0.8
App pare Shortest Path
11 183 Téléchargements