RubyGems Navigation menu


arabic-letter-connector 0.1.1

A tool to replace generic disconnected Arabic letters with their connected counterparts.

223 902 Téléchargements

arabic_normalizer 0.1.1

ArabicNormalizer is pure Ruby port of Arabic Normalizer from Lucene.

11 591 Téléchargements

Arabic-Prawn 0.0.1

Allows printing arabic to PDFs generated by prawn

6 848 Téléchargements

arabic_stemmer 0.0.2

Stem Arabic word for example: المبرمجون مبرمج

4 436 Téléchargements

arabic-wordify 1.0

Arabic-Wordify is a Ruby gem designed to convert Arabic numbers (integers) into their w...

209 Téléchargements

arable 0.2.0

Shorthand syntax to acces your arel tables directly

2 885 Téléchargements


Arachni is a feature-full, modular, high-performance Ruby framework aimed towards helpi...

185 161 Téléchargements

arachnid 0.4.1

Arachnid is a web crawler that relies on Bloom Filters to efficiently store visited url...

50 060 Téléchargements

arachnid2 0.4.0

A simple, fast web crawler

30 705 Téléchargements

arachnidish 0.0.1

Arachnidish is a web crawler that relies on Bloom Filters to efficiently store visited ...

3 414 Téléchargements


Arachni::Reactor is a simple, lightweight, pure-Ruby implementation of the Reactor ...

235 760 Téléchargements


Arachni::RPC is a simple and lightweight Remote Procedure Call protocol used to...

279 586 Téléchargements

arachni-rpc-em 0.2

EventMachine-based client and server implementation of Arachni-RPC supporting T...

59 304 Téléchargements

arachni-rpc-pure 0.2

Pure Ruby client implementation of the Arachni-RPC protocol.

29 865 Téléchargements


Original @

24 194 Téléchargements

ar_after_timestamps 0.2.0

Gem that plugs into Ruby on Rails that gives you a way to add a callback to the ActiveR...

6 300 Téléchargements

ar_after_transaction 0.12.0

Execute irreversible actions only when transactions are not rolled back

4 461 520 Téléchargements

ar_aggregate_by_interval 1.2.1

add [sum|count]_[daily|weekly|monthly] to your AR models for MySQL AND Postgres

29 363 Téléchargements

arake 0.0.2

Run rake automatically whenever any dependent is updated.

14 698 Téléchargements

aralyne_owm 0.1.6

Unofficial gem Open Waether Map API

14 042 Téléchargements

aranea 0.2.0

Rack and Faraday middleware to temporarily disable connections to external dependencies

38 279 Téléchargements

arangodb 1.0.4

Do not use this! This could be a malicious gem because you didn't check if the code Cha...

1 994 Téléchargements


Ruby driver for ArangoDB's HTTP API arangodb-driver is a drop-in replacement for the (u...

996 Téléchargements

arangodb-odm 0.3.1

Ruby client for ArangoDB

17 286 Téléchargements

arango-driver 3.5.0.alpha1

Ruby driver for ArangoDB's HTTP API

3 910 Téléchargements

arango_i18n 1.0.1

Use the multi-modal ArangoDB as your I18n backend.

3 761 Téléchargements

arangorb 2.0.1

Ruby driver for ArangoDB's HTTP API

25 749 Téléchargements

aranha 0.19.2

Ruby utilities for web crawling.

74 574 Téléchargements

aranha-parsers 0.24.0

Parsers' utilities for Ruby.

51 826 Téléchargements

aranha-rails 0.10.1

Put here de description.

26 292 Téléchargements