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artemis 1.1.0

GraphQL client on Rails + Convention over Configuration = ❤️

240 371 Téléchargements

artemis_api 0.7.5

An API wrapper for the ArtemisAg API

15 467 Téléchargements

artemis-api_auth 0.1.0

Net::HTTP adapter that adds Api Auth authentication for Artemis GraphQL Client

3 421 Téléchargements

artemis-bot 0.1.2

A Ruby wrapper for the Watson Conversation Service

5 176 Téléchargements

artemk-cache-money 0.2.14

Write-through and Read-through Cacheing for ActiveRecord

12 435 Téléchargements

artemk-ckeditor 3.5.5

CKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor to be used inside web pages

19 975 Téléchargements

artemk-migration_fu 0.1.1

Add and remove FK in MYSQL

17 197 Téléchargements

artemo 3.2.1

Don't look for emotions, where are not emotions. Simple program to analyze emotions ...

31 329 Téléchargements

artemv-diff_to_html 1.0.3

Generates HTML view of given unified diff

13 455 Téléchargements

artex 2.1.3

LaTeX preprocessor for PDF generation; Rails plugin

18 615 Téléchargements

artext 0.0.4

Extract article and other metadata from websites.

8 094 Téléchargements

artfactory 1.0.0

artfactory - generate your own art images from text attributes (via spritesheets); inc...

2 708 Téléchargements

artforge-csv-mapper 1.0.1

CSV Mapper makes it easy to import data from CSV files directly to a collection of any ...

4 754 Téléchargements

artforge-rtranslate 1.3.4

A simple, unofficial, ruby client API for using Google Translate.

15 811 Téléchargements

Artforge-rvideo 0.9.6

Gives you video

10 523 Téléchargements

artfully_ose 1.2.0

A Ruby on Rails engine for running ticketing, CRM, and order management. See http://fr...

89 985 Téléchargements

art-gun 0.1.8

A Ruby wrapper to access Art-Gun's API.

24 558 Téléchargements

arthropod 0.0.7

Easy remote task execution with SQS

13 665 Téléchargements

arthropod_hls_video_encoder 0.0.1

HLS video encoder using Arthropod

2 539 Téléchargements

arthropod_waifu2x 0.0.1

Use Waifu2X remotely Arthropod

2 492 Téléchargements

arthur 1.0.0

Consumes the Bugsnag API.

11 213 Téléchargements

arthurgeek-kitabu 0.2.0

A framework for creating e-books from Markdown/Textile text markup using Ruby. Using th...

4 079 Téléchargements

arthurgeek-nyane 0.0.4

An insignificant rack-based framework

4 051 Téléchargements

arthurgeek-rfeedparser 0.9.940

Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Ruby

4 115 Téléchargements

arthurgeek-twitter 0.6.15

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

4 057 Téléchargements

arti 0.1.0

A Ruby interface for interacting with JFrog's Artifactory artifact repository.

4 648 Téléchargements

artic 1.0.5

A Ruby gem for time computations.

14 249 Téléchargements

artichoke 0.0.94

A library for gmail integration within testing suites, best used in conjuction with int...

38 407 Téléchargements

article 0.0.1

Article is an NNTP client that can be used to fetch articles from a Usenet server.

289 Téléchargements

articlecli 0.1.0

Simple CLI that scrapes news information from a website

2 447 Téléchargements