auto_serializer 0.0.1
Serialize object by class/method name and (constructor) arguments.
3 599 Téléchargements
auto_service_cli 0.1.2
This CLI allows you to find auto service centers near desired zip code, sort them, and ...
4 816 Téléchargements
auto-session-timeout 1.2
Automatic session timeout in Rails
815 064 Téléchargements
auto-session-timeout-kayleiburke 0.9.4
Provides automatic session timeout in a Rails application. Forked from
2 698 Téléchargements
auto-session-timeout-warning 1.1.0
jQuery automatic session timeout warning in a Rails application.
29 460 Téléchargements
auto_set 1.2.1
Automatically update a column from a relationship
6 629 Téléchargements
autosftp 0.0.6
"sftp automatically"
13 579 Téléchargements
A example gem for automation team
7 021 Téléchargements
autoshell 1.0.6
Library for automating shell tasks in Autotune
16 184 Téléchargements
autosiege 0.0.2
A ruby CLI wrapper to siege
9 967 Téléchargements
autosign 1.0.1
Tooling to make puppet autosigning easy, secure, and extensible
58 471 Téléchargements
Autosize is a small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height to fit ...
166 803 Téléchargements
autosize-rails 1.18.17
Rails asset pipeline wrapper around jQuery Autosize:
441 800 Téléchargements
auto-space 0.0.4
19 792 Téléchargements
autosparkle 0.1.1
Autosparkle is a command-line tool that automates the delivery of macOS apps outside th...
750 Téléchargements
autospec 0.0.3
Helper to build test automation framework with rspec and capybara
6 649 Téléchargements
auto_specs 0.0.1.alpha.2
Don't Write Specs Yourself.
6 859 Téléchargements
autospec.watchr 0.0.6
Intelligently runs your specs as you edit files.
19 982 Téléchargements
auto_sprite 1.1.3
CSS Sprites can get you down, don't let them. This gem automatically creates the CSS, ...
34 920 Téléchargements
auto_sql_formatter 0.1.2
Format and rewrite sqls by dir unit
7 063 Téléchargements
autossh 0.0.10
An SSH connection helper
23 642 Téléchargements
autostacker24 2.9.0
AutoStacker24 is a small ruby gem for managing AWS CloudFormation stacks. It is a thin ...
1 412 315 Téléchargements
autostats 0.2.0
Scrapes data from to get all relevant information specific to a car based...
9 607 Téléchargements
autostrip 1.0.4
Automatically strip leading and trailing whitespace
9 640 Téléchargements
auto_strip_attributes 2.6.0
AutoStripAttributes helps to remove unnecessary whitespaces from ActiveRecord or Active...
6 795 408 Téléchargements
auto_strong_parameters 0.0.5
Automatic require and permit of Strong Paramters for your Rails forms.
1 804 Téléchargements
autostruct 0.1.0
Classes derived from Autostruct do not need to save the arguments to `initialize` a...
3 093 Téléchargements
autostyle 0.1.0
Make it easier to merge CSS styles together for a HTML element
3 458 Téléchargements
autosub 0.4.1
Ruby tool to automatically download subtitles (srt) inside your TV Shows folder
10 907 Téléchargements
autosuggest 0.3.0
Generate autocomplete suggestions based on what your users search
36 511 Téléchargements