aws_tools 0.0.2
A library to help simplify common AWS tasks.
10 815 Téléchargements
aws-tools 0.0.5
This package is intended to simplify the interface to the aws sdk for ruby.
11 352 Téléchargements
aws_tracker 0.0.4
This gem DEPRECATED - see the cloud_cost_tracker gem
18 107 Téléchargements
aws-transcoder-rails 0.0.1
AWS Elastic Transcoder Rails Library
2 423 Téléchargements
awsudo 2.0.0
awsudo enables users to execute commands that make API calls to AWS under the security ...
19 714 Téléchargements
awsum 0.5.4
A library for working with Amazon Web Services in the most natural rubyish way
23 780 Téléchargements
aws_upload 0.0.1
This gem offers a helper method to build a form HTML to upload directry to Amazon S3 st...
3 719 Téléchargements
aws-url 0.2.0
A minimum-viable URL builder for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
13 291 Téléchargements
awsutils 2.2.2
A set of tools for interacting with AWS
38 348 Téléchargements
aws-vpccreate 0.0.1
AWS VPC object creator
4 807 Téléchargements
aws-vpc-manager 0.0.0
3 393 Téléchargements
aws-watcher 0.3.1
AWS Watcher tracks EC2 instances being started to ensure they bootstrap to chef
6 871 Téléchargements
aws-whitepaper-downloader 0.1.3
Downloading all aws whitepapers by 1 command
8 804 Téléchargements
aws-xray 0.39.0
The unofficial X-Ray Tracing SDK for Ruby.
263 191 Téléchargements
aws-xray-sdk 0.16.0
The AWS X-Ray SDK for Ruby enables Ruby developers to record and emit information from ...
5 242 736 Téléchargements
aws_xregion_sync 0.1
Sync EC2 AMIs and RDS Snapshots across AWS regions as part of your Disaster Recovery pl...
4 349 Téléchargements
awt 0.0.3
Awt is cli tool for system administration.
11 351 Téléchargements
awtrix_control 0.0.2
A gem to control AWTRIX 3 devices from Ruby
291 Téléchargements
aw-trix_rails 1.1.0
A gem that wraps trix editor for Rails assets pipeline
3 003 Téléchargements
WKHTMLTOPDF binaries for GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS
33 332 Téléchargements
awx 0.6.11
An abstraction layer built around the AWS-cli (written in Ruby).
46 643 Téléchargements
ax 0.0.1
A simple CLI parser
4 016 Téléchargements
ax25 0.0.1
A library implementing a complete implementation of the AX.25 v2.2 protocol.
446 Téléchargements
axe 0.0.2
axe is a command line utility that makes parsing logs easy as you develop.
11 394 Téléchargements
axebomber 0.1.2
Excel parser for Hogan-style
8 670 Téléchargements
axe-core-api 4.10.2
Axe API utility methods
14 207 097 Téléchargements
axe-core-capybara 4.10.2
Capybara webdriver injected with Axe
1 151 841 Téléchargements
axe-core-cucumber 4.10.2
Cucumber step definitions for Axe
1 195 411 Téléchargements
axe_core_rails 3.2.2
Put a little aXe in your pipeline
81 848 Téléchargements
axe-core-rspec 4.10.2
RSpec custom matchers for Axe
13 061 604 Téléchargements