Algorithmically 0.1.8
Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes
19,122 ダウンロード数
The gem contains various implementations of known and uknown data structures and algori...
18,442 ダウンロード数
algorithms 1.0.1
Heap, Priority Queue, Deque, Stack, Queue, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, sorting algori...
5,710,017 ダウンロード数
algorithms64 0.6.2
Heap, Priority Queue, Deque, Stack, Queue, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, sorting algori...
2,718 ダウンロード数
algorithms-aunderwo 0.4.1
A modfication of the algorithms gem to include the latest String function
11,375 ダウンロード数
algorithms_basic 1.0.1
This gem was created with the intention of developing my skills as a programmer and als...
1,627 ダウンロード数
algorithm_selector 0.1.5
Calculates algorithms and data structures for sorting and searching. Selects best one t...
16,687 ダウンロード数
Iron maiden
1,194 ダウンロード数
algoru 0.1.0
don't skip this or this will be left what it is like now.
2,298 ダウンロード数
algosec-sdk 1.2.2
Gem to interact with AlgoSec API
10,326 ダウンロード数
File attachments as attributes for ActiveRecord
11,819 ダウンロード数
ali 0.1.0
A Ruby library for parsing and generating NISO Access and License Indicators (ALI) Sche...
161 ダウンロード数
aliada_webapp_rails 2.0.1
The Front-End Frontier of
47,663 ダウンロード数
alian 0.1.0
1,129 ダウンロード数
alias 0.2.3
Creates aliases for class methods, instance methods, constants, delegated methods and m...
122,921 ダウンロード数
alias2 0.1.0
Make classes, modules, and constants accessible via a different namespace
5,038 ダウンロード数
alias_blocker 1.0.0
Blocks the alias keyword and Module#alias_method, forcing programmers to carefully cons...
6,141 ダウンロード数
alias_class 0.1.0
A small piece of code that provide with the ability the alias class name to improve, or...
3,792 ダウンロード数
alias_helper 0.1.2
For some reason Rails does not appear to easily expose the aliases returned by ActiveSu...
18,363 ダウンロード数
aliasify 0.1.3
Tired of changing directories often to commonly used projects? Just type `aliasify <...
6,594 ダウンロード数
aliasing 0.0.1
Aliasing makes recommendations of potential aliases based on your bash history
4,424 ダウンロード数
alias-manager 0.0.0
Alias Manager finds which of your aliases are unused and which ones can be improved
3,001 ダウンロード数
alias_method_chain 1.0.0
Provides alias_method_chain for transitions to Rails 5.1. Don't use this Gem.
161,850 ダウンロード数
alias_metrics 0.1.2
This tool is to visualize alias usage to parse command history. You can evaluate whethe...
10,262 ダウンロード数
alias_scope 0.0.1
Creates aliases of ActiveRecord named scopes.
1,844,118 ダウンロード数
aliastable 4.0.1
If a categorical distribution has k distinct values, traditional approaches will requir...
23,228 ダウンロード数
alias_to_method 0.0.1
Allows you convert a string of alias methods to public methods.
4,498 ダウンロード数
alib 0.5.1
22,709 ダウンロード数
alice 0.1.3
HTTP/REST API client library using Rack-like middleware
22,509 ダウンロード数
alice-bulma 1.1.1
The best template for docs with Bulma
5,462 ダウンロード数