appcss 0.0.22
Like bootstrap for robust backend applications.
70,543 ダウンロード数
app-ctx 0.1.6
For all applications (you are not a mouseclicker, are u?), once in a while you need to ...
21,648 ダウンロード数
appcues_data_uploader 0.2.0
Upload CSVs of user profile data to the Appcues API
4,286 ダウンロード数
appd 0.6.2
Docker compose wrapper for managing containers.
37,632 ダウンロード数
appdash 0.6.3
Ruby client for Appdash, Sourcegraph's application tracing system, based on Google's Da...
10,545 ダウンロード数
appdefender 0.4.3
2,124 ダウンロード数
app-deploy 0.8.1
rake tasks for deployment
32,109 ダウンロード数
app-deployer 0.0.3
Features a modular design allowing it to be extended for various frameworks. Includes r...
4,838 ダウンロード数
appdev_support 0.2.1
3,100 ダウンロード数
appdirect 0.0.2
Basic ruby wrapper for the AppDirect Vendor API. Handles event retrieval and parsing XM...
7,426 ダウンロード数
appdirect_integration 1.0.0
Creates endpoints to integrate to callbacks from AppDirect marketplace to enable to sel...
7,193 ダウンロード数
appdoc 0.1.3
Allows you to add documents and documentation to your app
24,341 ダウンロード数
appdraft 0.0.1
Appdraft intends to provide the starting point for full stack web and HTML5 mobile Apps...
4,818 ダウンロード数
app_driver 0.0.0
Implements the AppDriver and WindowDriver patterns for acceptance testing of GUI applic...
5,777 ダウンロード数
app_drone 0.12.1
Give your Rails apps a kickstart
131,475 ダウンロード数
Write a longer description or delete this line.
3,994 ダウンロード数
appear 1.2.1
Appear is a tool for revealing a given process in your terminal. Given a process ID...
21,552 ダウンロード数
appear-cli 1.0.0
A simple command line tool that allows users to switch between light and dark modes on ...
264 ダウンロード数
app_earnings 1.0.0
Allows easy calculation of revenue sharing by app and in-app purchases. Munges the mon...
4,452 ダウンロード数
appending 1.5.2
Appending is a Ruby gem for data enrichment of people and companies.
6,362 ダウンロード数
appengine 0.7.0
The appengine gem is a set of classes, plugins, and tools for integration with Google A...
845,033 ダウンロード数
appengine-apis 0.0.35
This gem includes the JRuby API wrappers for App Engine, as well as the required jar fi...
186,847 ダウンロード数
appengine-jruby-jars 0.0.7
This gem includes the core JRuby code and the JRuby 1.8 stdlib as jar files, packaged s...
43,677 ダウンロード数
appengine-mapreduce 0.0.4
Create Map Tasks with JRuby.
16,085 ダウンロード数
appengine-paginator 0.2.2
Pagination on JRuby running on the Google AppEngine
31,876 ダウンロード数
appengine-rack 0.0.13
Commom dependencies for configuring an App Engine application via Rack.
90,923 ダウンロード数
appengine-ruby 9001.0
This gem is empty. It protects against brandjacking. You are welcome. If you think it i...
2,761 ダウンロード数
Google App Engine SDK for Java.
142,826 ダウンロード数
appengine-tools 0.0.17
Tools and SDK for developing Ruby applications for Google App Engine. Includes a local ...
105,859 ダウンロード数
appengine-utils 0.1.8
some helper and util stuff for the jruby wrapper for the google app engine to make life...
43,151 ダウンロード数