RubyGems Navigation menu


assent 0.1.1

A gem that handles your form and query validation in an elegant way.

5,358 ダウンロード数

assently 1.1.0

Client for the Assently APIv2

7,617 ダウンロード数

assert 2.19.8

Assertion style testing framework.

248,775 ダウンロード数

assert2 0.5.5

An assertion that reflects its block, with all intermediate values

140,621 ダウンロード数

assertable 0.1.1

Allows for compact checks (Python style)

47,833 ダウンロード数

assert-activerecord 0.0.1

Helpers for testing ActiveRecords in Assert test suites.

2,315 ダウンロード数

assert-activerecord4 0.0.1

AssertActiveRecord adapter for ActiveRecord 4.

2,318 ダウンロード数

assertalot 0.1.1

Auxiliary asserttions for RTest tests

10,096 ダウンロード数

assert_db_rejects 0.1.0

Test database level constraints with ActiveRecord

5,986 ダウンロード数

assert_difference 1.0.0

Like Rails' assert_difference, but more compact and readable syntax through hashes, tes...

223,907 ダウンロード数

assert_dirs_equal 0.3.0

Test assertion for directories equality by tree and content comparison

10,265 ダウンロード数

assert_efficient_sql 0.3.2

efficient assertions for ActiveRecord tests

15,977 ダウンロード数

asserter 1.0.0

Lightweight permissions asserter for Ruby and Rails applications

6,552 ダウンロード数

assert_generator 0.1.5

Generate assert code from a result inside a unit or integration test. This is useful if...

19,858 ダウンロード数

assertion 0.2.5

Standalone PORO assertions and validations

23,111 ダウンロード数

assertions 1.4.1

This project adds some additional assertions to Test::Unit::Assertions, including asser...

70,313 ダウンロード数

assertions-eb 1.7.3

This project adds some additional assertions to Test::Unit::Assertions, including asser...

10,732 ダウンロード数

assertiva 0.2.2

Assertiva's API client written in Ruby.

9,773 ダウンロード数

assert_json 1.0.0

A gem to test JSON strings.

184,981 ダウンロード数

assert_matches_snapshot 1.2.0

An assertion for snapshot testing.

15,232 ダウンロード数

assert-moar 0.0.9

Extra assertions for minitest

30,524 ダウンロード数

assert-mocha 1.1.1

Assert with Mocha

22,043 ダウンロード数

assertor 1.0.0

Very minimal unit test lib for ruby.

5,529 ダウンロード数

assert-rack-test 1.1.1

Assert with Rack::Test

29,970 ダウンロード数

assert-rails 0.0.1

Use Assert for testing Rails applications.

18,863 ダウンロード数

assert-random 0.4.0

This gem adds an assert random assertion that will allow the testing of random sequence...

25,048 ダウンロード数

assert_repeated 1.0.0

Assertions that run multiple times for testing functions with large domains

6,081 ダウンロード数

assert-response 1.1.3

Assert-methods (sugar) and a tiny DSL to facilitate testing of rack apps with Rack::Test.

27,317 ダウンロード数

assert_same 0.7.4

assert_same assertion

41,437 ダウンロード数

assert-send 0.0.3

Easy message expectation for tests in Ruby

7,094 ダウンロード数