RubyGems Navigation menu


attitude_adjuster 0.0.1

this gem set the attitude of a web page

4,293 ダウンロード数

attlib 0.0.2

attlib has become referer-parser:

8,885 ダウンロード数

attn 0.0.1

A simple gem to make finding specific lines of output easier in the console

5,857 ダウンロード数

atto 0.9.2

An ultra-tiny self-contained testing framework.

14,363 ダウンロード数

attorney 1.0.0

Easily define and mount 'Terms of Service', 'Privacy Policy' and any other static page ...

4,472 ダウンロード数

attospec 0.1.0

Smaller than small test runner

3,468 ダウンロード数

attparser 1.0

Parse a string of attributes like you might find in an XML tag

2,063 ダウンロード数

attr 0.0.0

This gem allows you to easily extend the `attr_reader`, `attr_writer`, and `attr_access...

5,013 ダウンロード数

attr_accessible2strong_params 0.0.3

Automatically convert Rails 3 attr_accessible to Rails 4 Strong Parameter

4,072 ダウンロード数

attr_accessible_block 0.3.2

Set attr_accessible attributes on runtime.

39,852 ダウンロード数

attractor 2.6.0

Many authors (Michael Feathers, Sandi Metz) have shown that an evaluation of churn ...

110,347 ダウンロード数

attractor-javascript 0.3.0

Attractor plugin for the Ruby programming language and its ecosystem

21,648 ダウンロード数

attractor-rails 0.2.0

Many authors (Michael Feathers, Sandi Metz) have shown that an evaluation of churn ...

8,921 ダウンロード数

attractor-ruby 0.3.0

Attractor plugin for the Ruby programming language and its ecosystem

30,674 ダウンロード数

attr_args_shorthand 0.0.0

Helps handle attributes on objects with very few lines of code

3,915 ダウンロード数

attr_array 1.0.1

A high performance ActiveRecord concern for Rails using the PostgreSQL array type.

4,610 ダウンロード数

attr_asker 0.1.0

The 'attr_asker' method functions just like attr_reader, only it generates interrogativ...

3,327 ダウンロード数

attr_bitwise 0.0.4

Bitwise attribute for ruby class and Rails model

300,692 ダウンロード数

attr_bool 0.2.2

Finally attr_accessor & attr_reader with question marks for booleans!? Simply use: attr...

7,446 ダウンロード数

attr_boolean 0.0.1

Shortcut for creating boolean attributes

6,380 ダウンロード数

attr_bucket 0.4.1

Store a few extra (non-searchable) attributes away in a bucket. This is probably a horr...

48,202 ダウンロード数

attr_cached 1.3

Defines a named attribute for an ActiveRecord model that stores its content in the Rail...

12,956 ダウンロード数

attr_callback 1.0.0

The attr_callback gem lets you create user-definable callback method attributes conveni...

5,900 ダウンロード数

attr-chain 0.1.2

attr_chain for chainable, single method attribute (get|setters)

5,923 ダウンロード数

attr_cipher 2.0.0

Provides functionality to transparently store and retrieve encrypted attributes in Acti...

14,695 ダウンロード数

attr_cleaner 1.1.0

Strips spaces from attributes, and sets empty strings to nil.

34,020 ダウンロード数

attr_coerced 1.0.0

Coerced attributes for PORO models.

6,542 ダウンロード数

attr_combined_accessor 1.1.1

Combined reader/writer accessors in Ruby, ideal for chaining or DSLs. This is useful fo...

7,087 ダウンロード数

attr_comparable 0.2.0


4,436,817 ダウンロード数

attr-csv 0.1.0

Allows you to define CSV-style attributes for your ActiveRecord models

4,699 ダウンロード数