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accessibility 0.1.0

Ruby client to check for accessibility issues using Chrome's ...

25,219 下载

accessibility_bridge 0.1.1

accessibility_bridge is a wrapper around various bits of Cocoa so that the various acce...

16,796 下载

accessibility_core 0.7.1

accessibility_core is a wrapper around the OS X Accessibility framework. Some other ex...

117,935 下载

accessibility_keyboard 1.0.0

Simulate keyboard input via the Mac OS X Accessibility Framework. This gem is a compone...

12,356 下载

accessible 0.2.0

A simple and flexible means of configuration for Ruby applications.

7,780 下载

accessible_attribute_matcher 1.0.1

Use reflection to spec ActiveModel accessible_attributes

35,964 下载

accessible_attributes 0.0.7

Dynamic attr_accessible for Active Record, inspired by Ryan Bates Railscasts episode 237

68,845 下载

accessible_books 0.1.3

Utility for programmatic access to TarheelReader and other accessible books

8,876 下载

accessible-books 0.1.1

Utility for programmatic access to TarheelReader and other accessible books

4,942 下载

accessible-bootstrap3-rails 0.2.4

A gem to bring bootstrap3-accessibility-patches into your rails project.

35,673 下载

accessible_data 1.0.0

Provides accessibility mechanism for data.

3,326 下载

accessible_for 0.4.0

This is a simple mass-assignment security module loosely based on ActiveModel::Mass...

55,404 下载

accessible_hash 0.0.1

Adds ability to access hash elements with custom method calls.

6,595 下载

accessiblerb 0.1.0

Write accessible Ruby with this set of Rubocop rules.

377 下载

accessible_seed_yaml 1.0.2

AccessibleSeedYaml is wrapper of rails seed file. This wrapper provides following funct...

12,274 下载

accessible_tooltip 1.0.9

WCAG compliant balloon-style tooltip helper for Rails

41,765 下载

accession 1.0.0

Very lightweight permissions for Ruby.

25,899 下载

accessitude 0.0.4


34,915 下载

access_kit 0.04

A series of tools built with ruby to help ensure HTML is accessibile, including an auto...

42,076 下载

access_lint 0.1.3

Run an accessibility audit on a file or URL from the command line.

46,496 下载

accesslint-ci 0.3.6

accesslint-ci runs accessibility tests in CI and comments on corresponding GitHub pull ...

92,356 下载

access_loggable 0.0.3

Provides easy way to register actions with your models

20,370 下载

access_logging 0.0.3

Log access to models through your controllers.

29,665 下载

accessly 1.1.0

Use the policy pattern to define access control mechanisms in Rails. Store user-level, ...

21,449 下载

access_manager 0.2.0

Manage grants in your applications

42,014 下载

accessor 1.0.2

A syntactically better accessor, setter, and getter metamethod generator

10,654 下载

accessor_extender 1.0.1

This gem simply extends cattr_accessor mattr_accessor like ActiveSupport.

7,423 下载

accessorize 0.0.1

Sometimes you need to keep rigid logs of who created, updated and even accessed the dat...

11,796 下载

accessor_utilities 1.0.4

Extends String and Symbol instances with variable/accessor methods, provides swizzling ...

41,500 下载

accessor-utilities 1.0.4

Extends String and Symbol instances with variable/accessor methods, provides swizzling ...

47,295 下载