a1519jk 1.0.0
I will chose a1519jk!
11,166 下载
a1520mk_exercise4 0.1.5
Kadai4 exercise in Framework Seminar.
20,040 下载
a1521hk_age 0.1.1
14,108 下载
a1521hk_minitest_practice 0.1.0
9,628 下载
a1523xh15745123_bmi 0.0.0
A simple bin gem
9,178 下载
a1524ch_huang 1.0.0
8,586 下载
a1533jt_tianjuan 0.0.0
8,246 下载
a1535yt_gem 0.1.0
6,938 下载
a1539kh_calculator 0.1.9
This is fizz-buzz calculator.
6,770 下载
a1548sy_yamamoto 0.1.0
6,761 下载
a1549ey_calc 0.1.0
Calculate your age or BMI
7,788 下载
a15666011_konagayoshi 0.1.0
Calculation for BMI
6,717 下载
a15745105_ichinoki 0.4.4
bmi_cal_ichinoki(kg, cm) ex)bmi_cal_ichinoki(85.0, 175.5)
104,649 下载
a15745105_ichinokii 0.1.7
BMI to
19,404 下载
a15z7kn_niitsuma_2016_gem 0.1.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
5,455 下载
a15z7kn_niitsuma_kensuke 0.1.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
5,723 下载
a15z8my_name 0.1.0
Return your BMI and Best Wight.
6,120 下载
a1611yk_tax_calc 0.2.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
5,169 下载
a1616ts_gem 0.1.0
Framework Advanced Course.
5,163 下载
a1617ns_helthCalc 1.0.0
Helth Calculator for BMI, Standard weight, Rohrer index and its standard weight
6,096 下载
a1624_bmi 0.1.0
5,285 下载
a1630ty_a1630ty 0.2.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
5,126 下载
a1632ma_ano 0.1.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
5,343 下载
a16745123atanaka 0.2.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
7,808 下载
a1ify 0.1.0
A1ify is a Ruby gem that converts Excel's R1C1 cell references into the standard A1 for...
162 下载
a2 0.3.1
A gem for interacting with the Chef Automate 2+ API
12,061 下载
a2km 0.0.7
Working with Juptyer kernels
32,865 下载
a2_printer 0.1.0
Sending commands to a small thermal printer
11,885 下载
a2ws 0.1.9
Wrapper for Amazon Associates Web Service (A2WS).
15,896 下载
a2z 0.1.3
Ruby DSL for Amazon Product Advertising API
72,125 下载