RubyGems Navigation menu


animalcracker 0.0.2

A sweet Sinatra extension for asset hosting. Roarrrrrrrr

11,334 下载

animal-identicon 0.1.0

Ruby library for generation animal icons using SVG

2,477 下载

animal_info 0.1.0

find animal info

2,732 下载

animal_names 0.0.1

Enter a letter, it returns an animal name

4,128 下载

animate 0.1.0

Compass port of Animate.css by Dan Eden, allows you to choose only the animations you n...

49,068 下载

animatecss 0.0.11

Add animate css goodies to your rails pipeline

32,189 下载

animate_css_on_rails 0.1.0

Gem for adding Animate.css support to Ruby on Rails projects

3,623 下载

animate-css-rails 3.5.2

A simple asset wrapper for the animate.css. See

27,888 下载

animate.css-rails 3.2.0

animate.css's CSS for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.

55,301 下载

animatedgif 0.0.2

A ruby library for playing gif

5,833 下载

animated_gif_detector 0.1.1

Reads a stream and determines if it's an animated GIF

19,681 下载

animatedgifme 0.0.3

A ruby library for

9,635 下载

animatedgifme-v1 1.0.1

A v1 of ruby library for A gem example from GoRails by Chris Ol...

3,894 下载

animatedgifoscar 0.1.0

This is just a test I learn.

2,665 下载

animatedledstrip-client 0.7

Library for connecting to an AnimatedLEDStripServer

5,928 下载

animate-rails 1.0.10

animate.css for rails

1,232,581 下载

animate-sass 0.1.1

Animate.sass is a Sass and Compass CSS animation library for WebKit, Firefox and beyond...

21,661 下载

animate.sass-rails 0.0.1

As expected...

8,226 下载

animate-scss 0.0.5

Animate.css for the Rails asset pipeline

122,683 下载

animation 0.1.alpha.3

css3 animations plugin for compass, with core animation mixins, and optional defaul ani...

231,254 下载

animation-studio 0.1.6

A long description of this awesome compass extension

22,672 下载

animator 0.0.4

Animator is a cleanly namespaced ActiveRecord plugin that hooks into the existing model...

4,063 下载

anime 0.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

2,812 下载

AnimeDL 1.0.5

The AnimeDL gem is used to get episode links or download episodes for a particular anime

23,961 下载

animeface 0.0.2

animeface gem

2,689 下载

animehunter-mongo 0.9

A Ruby driver for the 10gen Mongo DB. For more information about Mongo, see http://www....

4,183 下载

animehunter-mongo_ext 0.5

C extensions to accelerate the MondoDB Ruby driver. For more information about Mongo, s...

10,511 下载

anime_js_rails 1.1.0

Makes it simple to include the anime.js library (by Guinsly Mondesir) in the Rails asse...

5,254 下载

animemap-api-ruby 0.0.1

A ruby client for Anime TV Program API.

4,035 下载

animenewsnetwork 0.0.4

AnimeNewsNetwork API

16,057 下载