ar-stemmer 0.4.1
Ar-Stemmer is a Ruby port of Arabic Stemmer from Lucene with extensions.
22,482 下载
arstotzka 1.6.2
45,136 下载
ar_strip_commas 0.1.0
An ActiveRecord extension for properly parsing strings with commas as input to numeric ...
127,778 下载
ar-sybase-jdbc-adapter 0.2.2
Adds support for limit and offset for Sybase ASE DB to activerecord-jdbc-adapter for Ra...
30,049 下载
ar_sync 1.1.2
ActiveRecord data synchronized with frontend DataStore
21,163 下载
arsystem 0.0.2
JRuby Remedy API wrapper - written initially to extract data for Neo4J
6,657 下载
artabl 0.01
1,775 下载
artaius 0.2.1
Artaius is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) bot for KAG (King Arthur's Gold) game. It c...
9,636 下载
artanis 0.1.0
Reverses input
9,074 下载
artascii 0.2.0
Project to generate Ascii art from images.
3,060 下载
artbase 0.3.0
5,279 下载
artbase-cocos 0.0.1
artbase-cocos - artbase (shared) code commons (cocos); read artbase collection configs ...
667 下载
artbase-importers 0.0.1
artbase-importers - artbase (SQL) database machinery 'n' support; build single-file SQL...
639 下载
art_css 1.0.1
A library that generates stylesheets for art websites. It can be used to display random...
5,531 下载
artdeco 1.3.1
Decorate models with views in a object oriented way
21,449 下载
art_deco 0.0.3
Implementation of the decorator design pattern.
14,047 下载
art-decomp 0.4.0
art décomp: an FSM → FPGA decomposer
31,154 下载
artdialog4 0.1.2
8,960 下载
artemis 1.1.0
GraphQL client on Rails + Convention over Configuration = ❤️
235,806 下载
artemis_api 0.7.5
An API wrapper for the ArtemisAg API
15,404 下载
artemis-api_auth 0.1.0
Net::HTTP adapter that adds Api Auth authentication for Artemis GraphQL Client
3,414 下载
artemis-bot 0.1.2
A Ruby wrapper for the Watson Conversation Service
5,161 下载
artemk-cache-money 0.2.14
Write-through and Read-through Cacheing for ActiveRecord
12,420 下载
artemk-ckeditor 3.5.5
CKEditor is a WYSIWYG editor to be used inside web pages
19,946 下载
artemk-migration_fu 0.1.1
Add and remove FK in MYSQL
17,175 下载
artemo 3.2.1
Don't look for emotions, where are not emotions. Simple program to analyze emotions ...
31,228 下载
artemv-diff_to_html 1.0.3
Generates HTML view of given unified diff
13,427 下载
artex 2.1.3
LaTeX preprocessor for PDF generation; Rails plugin
18,591 下载
artext 0.0.4
Extract article and other metadata from websites.
8,070 下载
artfactory 1.0.0
artfactory - generate your own art images from text attributes (via spritesheets); inc...
2,683 下载