atomizer 0.0.2
Utilities for atom feed parsing and generation
9,921 下载
atomizr 0.19.1
A command-line tool to convert Sublime Text snippets and completions, as well as TextMa...
19,186 下载
atomjs-rails 0.0.1
Atom javascript library prepared for using with Rails 3.1+
4,782 下载
atomlog 1.1.1
A library for parsing ruby's Logger format into an Atom feed
6,096 下载
atomos 0.1.3
A simple gem to atomically write files
99,950,369 下载
atompark-sms-api 0.0.2
Atompark SMS API
7,246 下载
atom_rails_debugger 0.1.0
Gem for debugging Rails in Github's Atom Editor
3,315 下载
atoms 0.0.2
an experiment of using for serving AMF3 to flash clients with API written in gr...
5,506 下载
atom_shortcuts 0.1.0
A quick CLI reference to Atom shortcuts for Mac, Windows and Linux, with search function
2,267 下载
atomsmasher 0.0.1
Propel atoms of code at one another and extract their properties from the bits that fal...
5,507 下载
atom_smasher 0.0.3
Engine to add a RSS and Atom reader to your JRuby on Rails app.
8,634 下载
atomsphere 0.1.11
Unofficial Ruby client for the Dell Boomi Atomsphere API
11,138 下载
atom-tools 2.0.5
atom-tools is an all-in-one Atom library. It parses and builds Atom (RFC 4287) entries ...
102,944 下载
atomutil 0.1.5
This library allows your to handle AtomPub and Atom Feed easily
70,626 下载
atomy 0.7.1
A dynamic language targeting the Rubinius VM, focusing on extensibility and express...
40,465 下载
atoria 0.1.12
Atoria is a sleek and modern Jekyll theme perfect for bloggers and creative individuals...
1,502 下载
atos 0.0.1
Ruby on Rails gateway for SIPS/ATOS french online payments API
5,188 下载
atosl 0.0.4
atosl is used for converting binary addresses within a macho file to symbols.
10,638 下载
atotk 0.9.2
Atotk was created to provide an number of mechanisms to help validate and use ABNs anf ...
2,885 下载
atoulme-Antwrap 0.7.5
A Ruby module that wraps the Apache Ant build tool. Antwrap can be used to invoke Ant T...
1,152,848 下载
atoulme-Saikuro 1.2.1
Saikuro is a Ruby cyclomatic complexity analyzer. When given Ruby source code Saikuro ...
23,546 下载
atoyrobot 0.1.1
The application is a simulation of a toy robot movingon a square tabletop, of dimension...
4,335 下载
atozfunc 0.1.1
2,279 下载
atozgen 0.0.1
client side serial number management, for the ATOZPAY projects access.
2,345 下载
atp 1.1.3
An abstract test program model for Origen
72,325 下载
atpay 1.4.0 payment class
5,536 下载
atpay_buttons 2.0.0
Atpay button generator
91,368 下载
atpay_ruby 0.0.17
Ruby bindings for the @Pay API
31,298 下载
atpay_tokens 4.0.0
Client interface for the @Pay API, key generation for performance optimization
53,685 下载
atp_rankings 0.1.0
Rubygem that provides info for the top 8 ATP singles athletes contending for the World ...
3,052 下载