RubyGems Navigation menu


auser-dslify 0.1.0


25,493 下载

auser-macmap 0.0.2

= macmap Ever wanted to map your interface to an ip? If you haven't, why not? Alas, ...

6,947 下载

auser-parenting 0.0.4

Easily add parents to classes

7,003 下载

auser-poolparty 1.3.17

PoolParty: The easy, open-source, cross-cloud management solution

333,657 下载

auser-poolparty-extensions 0.1.1

Extensions on to of poolparty

13,220 下载

auser-reloadable 0.0.0


3,990 下载

auser-rest-client 1.0.1

A simple REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of specifyi...

7,077 下载

auser-ruberl 0.0.3

A quick and dirty module you can include in your classes to give you an easy connection...

7,031 下载

auser-skelerl 0.0.7

Erlang skeleton application

22,319 下载

auser-sprinkle 0.1.6

Ruby DSL based software provisioning tool

7,079 下载

auser-suitcase 0.0.7


16,119 下载

auslander 0.1.0

Its a really cool gem

3,370 下载

aus_phones 0.9.1

AusPhones validates and identifies Australian phone numbers by region and type (mobile,...

3,629 下载

auspost 0.8.6

Give you the ability to search the Australia Post Web site with either Suburb or Postco...

10,893 下载

aus_post_api 1.0.0

Wrapper for Australia Post's developer API

3,900 下载

auspost-drc 0.1.1

Gem for AusPost Delivery Rate Calculator - Making it easy to calculate shipping

12,007 下载

aussiegeek-ar_sendmail_delayed 1.3.2

A modified version of ar_sendmail that will queue messages for delivery after a future ...

4,026 下载

aussiesms 1.0.1

Send text messages via

5,790 下载

au_state_select 2.0

Provides a simple helper to get an HTML select list of Australia states.

31,426 下载

austb-tty-prompt 0.13.0

A beautiful and powerful interactive command line prompt with a robust API for getting ...

2,769 下载

austb-tty-spinner 0.5.0

A terminal spinner for tasks that have non-deterministic time frame.

2,644 下载

auster 0.4.0

Best-practices tooling for CloudFormation and AWS.

9,103 下载

austin_crime 0.1.1

View crime reports on specific crime types!

4,837 下载

austinmoody-fogbugz-api 0.0.4

Ruby wrapper for FogBugz API

10,079 下载

Austins_Top_Yoga_Studios 0.2.0

"Austin, Tx is a remarkable place of creativity and an array of vibes! Eighteen yoga st...

6,174 下载

australia 0.1.0

Teaches Ruby how to speak Strayan

3,814 下载

australiana 0.1.2

A gem for changing someones name so an Australian can understand it

2,682 下载

australian_election_2022 0.1.0

A CLI application to view results from the 2022 Australian Federal Election. Created fo...

797 下载

australia_postcode 0.1.3

Library for manipulating Australian postcodes

16,444 下载

australium 1.0.2

TF2 log parser

7,167 下载