RubyGems Navigation menu


authgen 0.0.1

This generator can add powerful authentication and authorization to a clean Rails appli...

5,941 下载

auth-hmac 1.1.1

A gem providing HMAC based authentication for HTTP

23,453 下载

authhub 0.0.1

Rails plugin to interface with authhub.

5,456 下载

authi 0.0.7

Authi is a Ruby gem designed to be used both in your client and server HTTP-based appli...

13,575 下载

authic_client 0.1.2

This gem will handle the integration of your app with the Authic service

53,089 下载

authie 4.1.3

A Rails library for storing user sessions in a backend database

191,929 下载

authifer 0.0.3

Run your own Authentication provider!

6,843 下载

authify 0.0.6

Authify Identity Management Service

4,873 下载

authify-api 0.5.0

Authify API Server library

27,762 下载

authify-core 0.2.2

Authify Core library

17,826 下载

authify-middleware 0.0.7

Authify Middleware library

15,774 下载

authinator 0.2.1

Single-Sign-On for the front and rails backend of a Single-Page-App

18,265 下载

authing 0.0.1


1,974 下载

authing_ruby 1.1.6

Authing 的 Ruby SDK

19,799 下载

authist 0.0.1

Authist is a Ruby on Rails plugin that provides a simple way to add role-based authoriz...

4,371 下载

auth_jwt 0.0.8

Authentication via JWT (with encryption)

3,003 下载

auth_jwt_go 1.0.3

this authenticates your api with jwt include current_user helper

18,316 下载

authkeys 0.0.2

Manage authorized keys files

7,335 下载

auth_keys 0.0.2

A gem to help you grant ssh access to a server. Writes ssh keys to the authorized_keys ...

3,882 下载

auth_keys_chain 0.0.3

Passwords save/load in ~/.auth_keys(plain text table)

9,014 下载

authkick 0.0.1

Lightweight authentication for OmniAuth

4,644 下载

authkit 0.7.0

Auth for your Rails application

16,522 下载

authlane 1.3.0

The AuthLane Sinatra Extension allows simple User authentication with support for d...

9,798 下载

authlete 1.38.0

A library for Authlete Web APIs. See for details.

430,764 下载

auth-lh 1.3

Authentication with auth lh api

184,094 下载

authlogic 6.4.3

An unobtrusive ruby authentication library based on ActiveRecord.

10,898,171 下载

authlogic_bushido 0.9.2

Bushido support for Authlogic

13,893 下载

authlogic_cas 0.0.2

AuthlogicCas is a CAS (a cross-site authentication system designed at Yale for single s...

4,820 下载

authlogic_cloudfuji 0.9.4

Cloudfuji support for Authlogic

9,797 下载

authlogic-connect 0.0.6

Oauth and OpenID made dead simple

78,906 下载