RubyGems Navigation menu


auto_specs 0.0.1.alpha.2

Don't Write Specs Yourself.

6,811 下载

autospec.watchr 0.0.6

Intelligently runs your specs as you edit files.

19,897 下载

auto_sprite 1.1.3

CSS Sprites can get you down, don't let them. This gem automatically creates the CSS, ...

34,784 下载

auto_sql_formatter 0.1.2

Format and rewrite sqls by dir unit

7,005 下载

autossh 0.0.10

An SSH connection helper

23,470 下载

autostacker24 2.9.0

AutoStacker24 is a small ruby gem for managing AWS CloudFormation stacks. It is a thin ...

1,407,050 下载

autostats 0.2.0

Scrapes data from to get all relevant information specific to a car based...

9,561 下载

autostrip 1.0.4

Automatically strip leading and trailing whitespace

9,553 下载

auto_strip_attributes 2.6.0

AutoStripAttributes helps to remove unnecessary whitespaces from ActiveRecord or Active...

6,557,934 下载

auto_strong_parameters 0.0.5

Automatic require and permit of Strong Paramters for your Rails forms.

1,696 下载

autostruct 0.1.0

Classes derived from Autostruct do not need to save the arguments to `initialize` a...

3,066 下载

autostyle 0.1.0

Make it easier to merge CSS styles together for a HTML element

3,434 下载

autosub 0.4.1

Ruby tool to automatically download subtitles (srt) inside your TV Shows folder

10,862 下载

autosuggest 0.3.0

Generate autocomplete suggestions based on what your users search

33,449 下载

autosuggest-rb 0.1.6

This is a gem that wraps the AutoSuggest javascript plugin

27,787 下载

autotable 0.0.2

Rails plugin to auto-generate Bootstrap-compliant HTML tables from model collections

7,640 下载

autotab-rails 0.0.4

AutoTab is a is a jQuery plugin that provides auto tabbing and filtering on text fields...

13,988 下载

autotag 1.0.0

Autotag content gem

4,970 下载

auto_tagger 0.2.11

Helps you automatically create tags for each stage in a multi-stage deploment and deplo...

401,621 下载

auto_tagging 1.1.2

A ruby wrapper library for all current top tags/keywords/terms extraction services , th...

19,966 下载

auto_tag_version 1.1.0

Generate auto tag

7,298 下载

autotask 0.1.1

Runs any shell command or rake task when specified files are updated. Requires the stak...

5,978 下载

autotask_api 1.0.0

Abstracted Autotask API 1.5 wrapper

7,544 下载

autotask_ruby 2.4.2

A ruby client for the Autotask API. The client tries to use a full-featured approach.

24,743 下载

autoterm 0.2.0

CLI tool to automate creation of iTerm2 sessions

2,615 下载

auto-terminal 0.0.1

Use Auto from the command line

6,298 下载

autotest 5.0.0

This is a stub gem to fix the confusion caused by autotest being part of the ZenTest su...

1,529,733 下载

auto_test 1.0

Automatic Testing Tool

335,066 下载

autotest-aniki 0.1.0

autotest with voice

5,338 下载

autotest-clear 1.1.0

Clears the terminal for every autotest run. Inspired from autotest-growl[http://www.bit...

9,625 下载