RubyGems Navigation menu


activeadmin_jobs 0.5.2

It's a Rails engine that allows you to play nice with Active Job in Active Admin provid...

40,258 下载

active_admin-jquery_inputmask 0.1.1

Easily add jquery inputmask to your ActiveAdmin.

223,435 下载

activeadmin_json_editor 0.0.10

"json_input" field allow to edit json value as json array with using jsoneditor.js from...

4,080,442 下载

activeadmin_latlng 1.5.0

Small Active Admin plugin for setting up latitude and longitude.

216,258 下载

activeadmin-localize 0.3.0

Easily edit localized fields in ActiveAdmin (all locales on one page)

12,056 下载

activeadmin-logins 0.2.0

Write a longer description. Optional.

25,295 下载

activeadmin-logs 0.0.1

Logs for ActiveAdmin

7,142 下载

activeadmin-magicfields 0.4.2

This gem extends formtastic's form builder to support custom fields and sections for yo...

9,986 下载

active_admin_mail 0.1

Manage your ActionMailer mail templates from ActiveAdmin, and log them.

3,505 下载

active_admin_map_index 0.1.1

Active Admin map view index

4,981 下载

active_admin-markdown_editor 0.0.3

Formtastic markdown editor input for Active Admin.

8,239 下载

activeadmin_materialize_theme 0.2.6

A theme for Active Admin based on Materialize framework.

15,246 下载

activeadmin_medium_editor 1.0.0

An Active Admin plugin to use Medium Editor

91,059 下载

active_admin_menu 0.1.3

manage menu with YAML for Active Admin

41,171 下载

activeadmin-menu_tree 0.3.0

This is a wrapper library for managing ActiveAdmin's menu structure in a simple yaml fo...

38,885 下载

active_admin_mobile 0.1.0

Write a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.

612 下载

active_admin_modal_upload 0.0.5

Allows for the upload of multiple files in the background from a modal window in Active...

13,119 下载

activeadmin-mongoid 1.0.0

ActiveAdmin hacks to support Mongoid (some ActiveAdmin features are disabled)

563,563 下载

activeadmin-mongoid-blog 0.3.9

Blog app on the top of activeadmin and mongoid, using redactor and select2 plugins.

84,872 下载

activeadmin-mongoid-localize 1.0.1

Easily edit mongoid localized fields in ActiveAdmin (all locales on one page)

60,574 下载

activeadmin-mongoid-reorder 0.2.1

Reorder index table rows plugin for activeadmin.

28,619 下载

activeadmin-mongoidv3 0.0.2

ActiveAdmin hacks to support Mongoid (some ActiveAdmin features are disabled)

18,303 下载

activeadmin-mongomapper 0.0.1

ActiveAdmin hacks to support mongomapper (some ActiveAdmin features are disabled)

10,408 下载

active_admin_multi_upload 0.1.0

Allows a user to upload multiple files within Active Admin. Includes features such as P...

29,548 下载

active_admin_nested_forms 1.6.3.pre.beta

Gem that overrides normal active admin nested forms behaviour.

704 下载

activeadmin-nested-namespaces 0.1.2

This plugin allows you to register resources/pages with nested namespaces in ActiveAdmin.

6,635 下载

activeadmin-orac 1.0.0

The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.

6,938 下载

activeadmin-orderable 0.1.2

Drag and drop reordering interface for ActiveAdmin tables

188,238 下载

activeadmin-orderable-table 0.0.1

Drag and drop order interface for ActiveAdmin tables

10,180 下载

activeadmin_pagedown 0.0.2

Pagedown widget for ActiveAdmin.

39,087 下载