RubyGems Navigation menu


ayn-flickr_fu 0.3.9

Provides a ruby interface to flickr via the REST api

13,144 下载

ayril 0.1.2

An XML library for MacRuby that is built on top of Cocoa NSXML classes

9,790 下载

aysendinblue 0.0.1

Let you access Seninblue API

4,148 下载

Aython-Houttekier-thermostat-exercise 0.0.0

a ruby gem for a thermostat application

2,443 下载

az 2.1.0

[Unicode 16.0] Generate Alternative Unicode Representations of A - Z

7,335 下载

azahara_schema 0.5.1

This gem should provide complete tools for quick developement of easy registry app in RoR.

94,162 下载

azami 0.0.3

An EM gem

4,237 下载

azbuild 1.0.3

Build, Configuration and Deployment Gem for .Net Solutions

9,360 下载

az-cv-theme 1.0.0

A beautiful, cv theme for Jekyll. NOT DONE YET.

2,918 下载

azd 0.9.2

Contains generators to make a rails application azd compatible

723 下载

azdeploy 1.0.48

Azure Deployment Gem. Provides easy setup and deployment scripting support for .Net pro...

118,595 下载

azebiki 0.0.8

A DSL for validating HTML

37,619 下载

azendoo 0.0.1

Use Azendoo's resource in your applications ;-)

3,774 下载

azericard 1.0.7

Provides an interface to AzeriCard online payment processing system

34,282 下载

azeroth 1.1.0


50,729 下载

azeroth_faker 0.1.0

Faker for data from the Warcraft Universe

3,282 下载

azi01792 7.7.7

This is test2 test2 test2

19,723 下载

azi0719 0.0.2

Test how to use rubygems upload

8,585 下载

azi3 0.0.1

this is test3 gem

4,781 下载

azimuth 1.0.4

Simple Ruby wrapper for the MapQuest Direction API.

14,384 下载

azimuth_spree_easy_contact 1.1.0

So people can, um, contact you.

31,177 下载

azimutto 1.0

A gem that provides text handling for Twitter

5,757 下载

azkaban-rb 0.0.7

azkaban-rb allows Azkaban jobs to be modeled as rake tasks

18,726 下载

azkaban_scheduler 0.0.2

Azkaban client that can update the schedule

29,307 下载

azn_converter 0.0.2

Convert any number to current or specific currency

4,107 下载

azogi 0.1.0

Azogi style name generator

3,049 下载

aztec 0.0.1

Lets you know which pods are outdated

4,124 下载

aztro_cli 0.1.0

This CLI project is for those who want to learn about sun signs.

1,811 下载

azuki 0.0.2

Client library and command-line tool to deploy and manage apps on Azuki.

8,302 下载

azuki-api 0.0.2

Ruby Client for the Azuki API

4,799 下载