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azure_mgmt_appconfiguration 0.17.4

Official Ruby client library to consume Appconfiguration

14,552 下载

azure_mgmt_attestation 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume Attestation

9,029 下载

azure_mgmt_authorization 0.18.5

Microsoft Azure Role Based Authorization Management Client Library for Ruby

151,518 下载

azure_mgmt_automanage 0.17.0

Official Ruby client library to consume Automanage

3,210 下载

azure_mgmt_automation 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Automation Services Library for Ruby

30,685 下载

azure_mgmt_azurestack 0.17.2

Official Ruby client library to consume Azurestack

11,177 下载

azure_mgmt_azurestack_hci 0.17.0

Official Ruby client library to consume AzurestackHci

3,261 下载

azure_mgmt_batch 0.18.1

Microsoft Azure Batch Management Client Library for Ruby

60,863 下载

azure_mgmt_batchai 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume Batchai

9,254 下载

azure_mgmt_billing 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Billing Services Library for Ruby

30,897 下载

azure_mgmt_bot_service 0.17.2

Official Ruby client library to consume BotService

11,587 下载

azure_mgmt_cdn 0.18.2

Microsoft Azure CDN Management Client Library for Ruby

90,838 下载

azure_mgmt_cognitive_services 0.19.4

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Management Client Library for Ruby

66,556 下载

azure_mgmt_commerce 0.17.2

Microsoft Azure Commerce Management Client Library for Ruby

211,927 下载

azure_mgmt_compute 0.22.0

Microsoft Azure Compute Management Client Library for Ruby

3,119,573 下载

azure_mgmt_confluent 0.17.0

Official Ruby client library to consume Confluent

1,864 下载

azure_mgmt_consumption 0.18.1

Microsoft Azure Consumption Services Library for Ruby

151,387 下载

azure_mgmt_container_instance 0.18.0

Microsoft Azure Container Instance Services Library for Ruby

75,920 下载

azure_mgmt_container_registry 0.18.5

Microsoft Azure Container Registry Services Library for Ruby

48,459 下载

azure_mgmt_container_service 0.22.0

Microsoft Azure Container Service Management Client Library for Ruby

77,277 下载

azure_mgmt_cosmosdb 0.24.1

Official Ruby client library to consume Cosmosdb

34,397 下载

azure_mgmt_cost_management 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume CostManagement

280,779 下载

azure_mgmt_customer_insights 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Customer Insights Services Library for Ruby

30,720 下载

azure_mgmt_databox 0.17.1

Official Ruby client library to consume Databox

9,272 下载

azure_mgmt_databoxedge 0.17.0

Official Ruby client library to consume Databoxedge

2,035 下载

azure_mgmt_data_factory 0.18.7

Official Ruby client library to consume DataFactory

22,466 下载

azure_mgmt_datalake_analytics 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Resource Provider DataLake Analytics Client Library for Ruby

52,869 下载

azure_mgmt_datalake_store 0.17.3

Microsoft Azure Resource Provider DataLake Store Client Library for Ruby

56,544 下载

azure_mgmt_data_migration 0.18.1

Microsoft Azure Data Migration Services Library for Ruby

17,289 下载

azure_mgmt_datashare 0.17.2

Official Ruby client library to consume Datashare

10,507 下载