RubyGems Navigation menu


azi01792 7.7.7

This is test2 test2 test2

19,968 下载

azi0719 0.0.2

Test how to use rubygems upload

8,692 下载

azi3 0.0.1

this is test3 gem

4,848 下载

azimuth 1.0.4

Simple Ruby wrapper for the MapQuest Direction API.

14,581 下载

azimuth_spree_easy_contact 1.1.0

So people can, um, contact you.

31,568 下载

azimutto 1.0

A gem that provides text handling for Twitter

5,823 下载

azkaban-rb 0.0.7

azkaban-rb allows Azkaban jobs to be modeled as rake tasks

18,932 下载

azkaban_scheduler 0.0.2

Azkaban client that can update the schedule

29,436 下载

azn_converter 0.0.2

Convert any number to current or specific currency

4,219 下载

azogi 0.1.0

Azogi style name generator

3,111 下载

aztec 0.0.1

Lets you know which pods are outdated

4,192 下载

aztro_cli 0.1.0

This CLI project is for those who want to learn about sun signs.

1,870 下载

azuki 0.0.2

Client library and command-line tool to deploy and manage apps on Azuki.

8,427 下载

azuki-api 0.0.2

Ruby Client for the Azuki API

4,870 下载

azul 0.0.1

azul ruby bindings

5,843 下载

azuma 0.0.4

Decide the order of Lightning Talkers.

14,823 下载

azure 0.7.10

Microsoft Azure Client Library for Ruby

4,527,072 下载

azure-acs 0.1.1

A lightweight Ruby client library for Azure Active Directory ACS.

9,011 下载

azuread-auth 0.1.1

AzureAD Authentication

12,089 下载

azure_app_config 1.1.1

An unofficial Azure App Configuration API Client written in Ruby.

979 下载

azure_application_insights 0.5.13

This project extends the Application Insights API surface to support Ruby.

4,312 下载

azure-armrest 0.15.0

This is a Ruby interface for Azure using the newer REST API. This is different than the...

526,080 下载

azure_auth 0.2.4

omniauth-azure-ad uses 'Peerialism authentication HUB' web site that manages token exch...

25,631 下载

azure-auth 0.0.1

omniauth-azure-ad uses 'Peerialism authentication HUB' web site that manages token exch...

4,610 下载

azure-auth-token_provider 0.1.0

A simple to use gem to obtain Azure MSI access token. Supports both Azure Cloud env...

2,897 下载

azure-blob 0.5.6

Azure Blob client and Active Storage adapter

37,880 下载

azure_client 0.1.6

Encapsulate the API's of Azure SDK

11,757 下载

azure_cognitiveservices_anomalydetector 0.17.1

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Anomaly Detector Client Library for Ruby

9,004 下载

azure_cognitiveservices_autosuggest 0.17.2

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Auto Suggest Client Library for Ruby

11,202 下载

azure_cognitiveservices_computervision 0.20.2

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision Client Library for Ruby

29,648 下载