azure_mgmt_consumption 0.18.1
Microsoft Azure Consumption Services Library for Ruby
173,149 下载
azure_mgmt_container_instance 0.18.0
Microsoft Azure Container Instance Services Library for Ruby
80,394 下载
azure_mgmt_container_registry 0.18.5
Microsoft Azure Container Registry Services Library for Ruby
49,768 下载
azure_mgmt_container_service 0.22.0
Microsoft Azure Container Service Management Client Library for Ruby
80,151 下载
azure_mgmt_cosmosdb 0.24.1
Official Ruby client library to consume Cosmosdb
35,086 下载
azure_mgmt_cost_management 0.17.1
Official Ruby client library to consume CostManagement
358,455 下载
azure_mgmt_customer_insights 0.17.3
Microsoft Azure Customer Insights Services Library for Ruby
31,397 下载
azure_mgmt_databox 0.17.1
Official Ruby client library to consume Databox
9,516 下载
azure_mgmt_databoxedge 0.17.0
Official Ruby client library to consume Databoxedge
2,126 下载
azure_mgmt_data_factory 0.18.7
Official Ruby client library to consume DataFactory
23,043 下载
azure_mgmt_datalake_analytics 0.17.3
Microsoft Azure Resource Provider DataLake Analytics Client Library for Ruby
54,025 下载
azure_mgmt_datalake_store 0.17.3
Microsoft Azure Resource Provider DataLake Store Client Library for Ruby
57,723 下载
azure_mgmt_data_migration 0.18.1
Microsoft Azure Data Migration Services Library for Ruby
17,723 下载
azure_mgmt_datashare 0.17.2
Official Ruby client library to consume Datashare
10,792 下载
azure_mgmt_deployment_manager 0.17.1
Official Ruby client library to consume DeploymentManager
8,075 下载
azure_mgmt_dev_spaces 0.17.3
Microsoft Azure Management DevSpaces Library for Ruby
21,581 下载
azure_mgmt_devtestlabs 0.18.1
Microsoft Azure Dev Test Lab Management Client Library for Ruby
59,273 下载
azure_mgmt_digitaltwins 0.18.0
Official Ruby client library to consume Digitaltwins
5,047 下载
azure_mgmt_dns 0.17.5
Microsoft Azure Dns Management Client Library for Ruby
1,770,176 下载
azure_mgmt_edgegateway 0.18.1
Microsoft Azure Edge Gateway Client Library for Ruby
12,764 下载
azure_mgmt_event_grid 0.21.0
Microsoft Azure Event Grid Services Library for Ruby
63,194 下载
azure_mgmt_event_hub 0.18.2
Microsoft Azure Event Hub Library for Ruby
52,707 下载
azure_mgmt_features 0.17.5
Microsoft Azure Resource Provider Feature Management Client Library for Ruby
71,862 下载
azure_mgmt_graph 0.15.3
Microsoft Azure Active Directory Graph Management Client Library for Ruby
76,385 下载
azure_mgmt_hanaonazure 0.18.1
Official Ruby client library to consume Hanaonazure
13,956 下载
azure_mgmt_hdinsight 0.18.5
Microsoft Azure Hdinsight Management Client Library for Ruby
35,086 下载
azure_mgmt_healthcare_apis 0.17.0
Official Ruby client library to consume HealthcareApis
2,137 下载
azure_mgmt_hybrid_compute 0.17.0
Official Ruby client library to consume HybridCompute
3,513 下载
azure_mgmt_import_export 0.17.1
Official Ruby client library to consume ImportExport
8,549 下载
azure_mgmt_insights 0.10.1
Microsoft Azure Insights Library for Ruby. Starting July 2017, this gem will no longer ...
10,260 下载