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active_scaffold_generator 0.1.1

This generator creates a controller with the given name and adds an active_scaffold dec...

20,179 下载

active_scaffold_generator_gem 0.1.2

This generator creates a controller with the given name and adds an active_scaffold dec...

8,927 下载

active_scaffold_san 3.0.18

Save time and headaches, and create a more easily maintainable set of pages, with Activ...

8,343 下载

active_scaffold-sequel 0.8.0

The original ActiveScaffold supports Rails ( with it's native O...

56,871 下载

active_scaffold_signaturepad 0.2.0

Helper to display a signature zone on ActiveScaffold forms, using jquery.signaturepad

8,308 下载

active_scaffold_sortable 3.5.0

Sort Tree or List Structures by Drag n Drop

454,869 下载

active_scaffold_sortable_vho 3.1.1

Sort Tree or List Structures by Drag n Drop

25,963 下载

active_scaffold_vho 4.0.0

Save time and headaches, and create a more easily maintainable set of pages, with Activ...

327,678 下载

active_scheduler 0.7.0

A wrapper for scheduling jobs through ActiveJob

1,487,920 下载

activeschema 0.0.2


11,924 下载

active_schema 0.1.0

If you've gone through the trouble of linking your schema with proper foreign keys, ...

10,345 下载

active_scope 0.1.0

Automatic active or inactive scopes

9,362 下载

active_scopes 0.1.0

Utilty gem to provide scopes to models.

3,893 下载

active_scraper 0.0.2

A Rails Engine using ActiveRecord to cache results of HTTP scrapes

8,463 下载

active_scripts 0.1.0

Deployment scripts for commonly used server setups.

3,938 下载

activesearch 0.3.2

ORM agnostic full text search

158,689 下载

active_search 1.0.1

ActiveSearch will allow any model to be 'searched for' in a text field given the 'searc...

12,466 下载

active_security 1.0.1

Disallow insecure, unscoped, finds

444 下载

active_seed 1.0.5

ActiveSeed Gives the ability to seed data by inserting it via activerecord. Also allows...

25,282 下载

active_seo 0.2.4

Optimize ActiveRecord models with support for SEO, Twitter and Open Graph meta.

20,574 下载

active_serialize 2.5.2

Provide a very simple way to transform ActiveRecord data into Hash output.

23,642 下载

active_serializer 0.1.1

Object to Hash serializer

23,248 下载

activeservice 0.0.1

This gem is created to cater the projects which do not require a backend/database, bu...

8,812 下载

active_service 0.0.1

ActiveService is a Rails extension that aims at creating reusable, transactional servic...

9,655 下载

active-service 0.0.1

Steroids for business modules.

3,966 下载

active_service_mapper 0.0.1

This gem will provide a mapping functionality (like automapping service layer to the mo...

8,712 下载

activesesame 0.1.1

A Ruby Gem for interacting with RDF/OWL stored in the AllegroGraph Triple Store via Sea...

19,217 下载

active_session 0.2.3

ActiveModel session

89,764 下载

activeset 0.8.6

Easily filter, sort, and paginate enumerable sets.

70,292 下载

active_set 0.1.0

Tracks the number of active objects during a certain time period in a Redis sorted set.

9,645 下载