RubyGems Navigation menu


address-service 0.1.0

Address service gem

4,130 下載

address_standardization 0.4.1

A tiny Ruby library to quickly standardize a postal address

20,708 下載

address-standardization 0.4.2.rc1

A tiny Ruby library to quickly standardize a postal address

2,739 下載

address_titlecase 1.2.1

Smartly capitalize US & Canadian addresses

7,398 下載

address_tokens 0.2.0

Always want to find where address, city and state are on a string? Use this gem.

14,759 下載

address_validate 0.1.1

AddressValidate is a ruby wrapper for integrating with the USPS address validation api.

6,183 下載

address_validator 0.1.1

UPS address validation gem

7,581 下載

address_verifier 0.1.5

Uses USPS Web Tools and Google Maps APIs to validate and get suggestions for addresses

11,189 下載

addressy 0.0.2

Real addresses for your testing/demoing needs.

4,462 下載

addrule 0.0.1

Automation gem to add page rules

4,040 下載

add_symbolic_names 0.2.0

ActiveRecord plugin for creating constants from a domain table

29,647 下載

add_this 0.0.3

Simple API connector for getting analytic data from AddThis

17,430 下載

addtion 0.0.2

addition of two numbers

7,994 下載

add_to_calendar 0.5.0

Generate 'Add To Calendar' URLs for Android, Apple, Google, Office 365, Outlook, Outloo...

304,871 下載

add_to_calendar_links 0.4.8

Generate 'Add To Calendar' URLs for Android, Apple, Google, Office 365, Outlook, Outloo...

29,228 下載

add_to_google_cal 1.0.0

A view layer helper which takes an object (such as an ActiveRecord instance from your d...

5,158 下載


Provides the 'Add to Home screen' assets for your Rails application.

155,033 下載

add-to-org 3.0.3

A simple Oauth App to automatically add users to an organization.

26,552 下載

add_two_numbers 0.1.2

Add Two Numbers

1,082 下載

add-vault-tokens 0.2.6

Given a master vault token, issue short-lived, per-application tokens to each app in a ...

22,863 下載

addy 1.1.0

# Addy Allows pretty summations. Instead of writing: (1..5).inject(0) do |memo, n...

13,278 下載

addy_caddy_client 0.0.1

Provides a wrapper for making queries to apis and local data.

4,211 下載

addy_lambda 0.1.11

Include this gem in your Lambda code to provide generic functionality, standardize code...

7,681 下載

addywaddy-couch_surfer 0.0.5

CouchSurfer provides an ORM for CouchDB, as well as supporting association and validati...

14,572 下載

adeia 1.0.0

An authorization gem for Rails that allows you to have the complete control of your app.

141,795 下載

adelnor 0.0.8

A dead simple, yet Rack-compatible, HTTP server written in Ruby

3,735 下載

AdelX 0.1.0

Generates provided HTML data for dynamic copyright licensing

2,645 下載

adena_google_merchant 0.0.1

Integracao do adena com Google Merchant

6,591 下載

adeona 0.0.2

A module that makes it easy to create child processes that die when their parent proces...

11,768 下載

adept 0.3.0

Extra tools to help manage active directory users on Linux.

1,040 下載