RubyGems Navigation menu


adjustment_bureau 0.0.2

Something I needed at work so I gemmed it up...

4,550 下載

adjutant 0.1.6

Ruby Gem that parse patch data for comments and ToDo lists and paste them on GitHub PR.

20,058 下載

adk2 0.0.8

API client for adk2

19,816 下載

adkit 0.1.0

A bundle of common marketing calculations

2,062 下載

adknowledge 0.0.6

A collection of web-api helpers and parsing utils for Adknowlege's APIs

14,894 下載

adkron-data_bank 0.2.0

Marshal data to be loaded on sequential runs of your script.

4,378 下載

adkron-legacy_woes 0.2.0

Tools for legacy databases and ActiveRecord

12,267 下載

ad-ldap 0.1.1

A small wrapper to Net::LDAP to provide some extended functionality and utility.

17,722 下載


Ruby Wrapper for AdLeads API

31,985 下載

adler32 0.0.2

see for the algorithm details

213,516 下載

ad_licenselint 1.5.0

Lint the licenses for iOS projects

34,740 下載

adlint 3.2.14

AdLint is a source code static analyzer. It can point out unreliable or nonportable cod...

188,319 下載

adlint-benchmark 1.1.0

Simple benchmark of AdLint

10,246 下載

adlint-exam-c_staging 0.3.0

Experimental C language code examination package for AdLint

10,589 下載

adlint-goodies 1.2.1

An all in one installer of AdLint Goodies

41,276 下載

adlint-postfilter 1.1.0

An ad-hoc filtering wrapper for AdLint to suppress useless warning messages.

26,437 下載

ad_localize 6.3.0

AdLocalize produces localization files from platform agnostic wording. ...

65,350 下載

ADLongwell-usgs-waterdata 0.2.0

A library for obtaining statistical and real-time flows from the Unite States Geologica...

14,711 下載

adm 0.0.7

Amazon Device Messaging Gem

24,211 下載

adman 0.1.1

Adman makes it easy to publish your application and collaborate with other apps on your...

12,244 下載

ad_man 0.0.13

An advertising manager mountable engine

63,908 下載

Adman65-AccessControl 0.2.6

Simple role based authorization for rails

14,797 下載

admapper 0.0.3

Friendly mixin for working with Microsoft's ActiveDirectory

6,857 下載

admesh 0.1.0

The ruby-admesh gem wraps the Admesh STL mesh manipulation tool CLI in a Ruby gem. It h...

3,665 下載

admidat_query 0.0.4

A gem whit redy qury methods

4,320 下載

admin 0.0.1

Admin is a Rails admin interface inspired by the Django's awesome one.

8,328 下載

adminable 0.0.7

Simple admin interface for Ruby on Rails applications.

19,132 下載

adminaccess 1.0.6

By passing in the current user email and the admin user email it tests if the user is c...

29,197 下載

admin_announcement 0.0.1

It helps admin to announce anything including parsed html in a form a notice.It consist...

2,737 下載

admin-api 0.0.1

It's a simple gem to create admin api

3,317 下載