RubyGems Navigation menu


agnostic-frontend 1.0.2

Leveraging the asset pipeline to ease the pain of bootstrapping frontend development. B...

24,211 下載

agnostic_presenters 0.2.0

Agnostic Presenters

12,508 下載

agnostic_slugs 0.1.0

Slug generator that is agnostic about ORMs

13,854 下載

agnostic-will_paginate 3.0.0

The will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for pagina...

15,288 下載

ago 0.1.5

Allows easy conversion of Time objects to human-readable format.

8,397 下載

agoda-crawler 0.1.0

Empower World Travel Information Technology

2,030 下載

agoo 2.15.12

A fast HTTP server supporting rack.

176,553 下載

agora_dynamic_key 0.1.0

A Simple Agora Dynamic Key Implementation

2,262,959 下載

agoravoting-rb 0.0.1

AgoraVoting API wrapper in Ruby

4,731 下載

agouti 0.0.3

Gem for testing above the fold render on the first tcp round trip.

10,888 下載

agqr-recorder 0.0.3

This specify the date and time in the cron format.

10,484 下載

agra_api 0.3.5

Agra is a distributed petitions platform, this is a gem for talking to it's API

28,187 下載

agraham-rubyzip 0.9.1

rubyzip is a ruby module for reading and writing zip files

4,359 下載

agraph 0.2

The gem provides a client for the AllegroGraph 4.x RDF graph database. Features like se...

47,569 下載

agree2 0.2.0

Ruby library for creating and managing agreements on Agree2

13,255 下載

agreement-design-prototype 0.0.5

A prototype of techniques to manage agreement specifications.

6,349 下載

agregador 0.0.1

Proof of concept

4,149 下載

agric 4.1.0

Agricultural font based on FontAwesome and Fontello tools

88,887 下載

agri-controller 0.0.11

A few graphic scripts can load below. No need "gruff". You can use "gnuplot...

15,154 下載

agrid-client 0.0.7

Ruby client for Agrid's prices API

20,297 下載

agrippa 0.0.1

A small collection of design patterns, codified in a gem for easy reuse.

3,848 下載

agris 0.13.0

Ruby client library for Agris API

58,120 下載

agrismart_ruby_mapnik 0.1.6

A set of bindings between Ruby and Mapnik. Supports many of the common uses for Mapnik...

5,224 下載

agroclimatology 0.3.2

Ruby client for interacting with the NASA (POWER) Agroclimatology Web Resource

14,144 下載

agt 0.0.5

Some game tools

17,235 下載

aguids-positionable 0.2.2

acts-as-list extension stretched to controllers and helpers

7,700 下載

aguids-publishable 0.1.6

Rails engine for publishing behavior. Depends on AASM.

24,436 下載

agustin_palindrome 0.3.0

This is a palindrome detector maded to learn how to create a ruby gem.

1,256 下載

agwx_biophys 0.0.4

Biophysical calculators primarily useful in agriculture and land management

8,397 下載

agwx_grids 0.0.6

UW Soils Ag Weather grid data format (X by Y by DOY)

22,886 下載