alice_invoice 1.0.0
alice_invoice provides a simple interface for downloading invoices and corresponding di...
6,465 下載
alicewinthrop_palindrome 0.1.2
Learn enough Ruby palinrome detector
5,164 下載
ali-cli 0.0.2
Composable CLI tool suite
698 下載
alicorn 0.4.2
Highly configurable dumb auto-scaler for managing unicorn web servers
92,042 下載
alidayu 1.1.0
a gem to use sms service with alidayu
7,648 下載
ali_dayu 0.1.2
ali dayu sms & voice
5,256 下載
alidayu_api 0.0.2
6,910 下載
alidayu-chaz1942 0.1.2
alidayu change itself api require method, old version is no longer valid
8,909 下載
alidayu_ruby 0.1.0
Ruby Wrapper for Alidayu SMS API.
3,409 下載
alidayu-ruby 0.1.2
阿里大鱼发送短信ruby sdk
9,266 下載
alidayu_sms 0.3.3
alidayu_sms send.
19,359 下載
alidayu-sms 0.1.2
Alidayu sms sdk ruby version of Aliyun.
6,962 下載
AliDayuSms 0.1.1
阿里大于发送短信通知插件, 可以发送验证码并且验证验证码,发送任何文字短信
4,888 下載
aliddle-sass 3.2.13
A slightly customized version of SASS. To get the official SASS release, please ...
23,532 下載
alidns-ruby 0.1.0
a simple ruby sdk for alidns.
3,094 下載
alien 0.1.0
Ruby interface to Alien Technology ARCA enabled readers.
4,564 下載
alien-minimalistic 0.11.0
A refreshingly simple Jekyll theme for students and professionals.
4,541 下載
alienor 0.1.2
Test for Alienor
2,944 下載
aliens 1.0.94
Trying to help with democracy. (No affiliation with aliens.)
3,748 下載
aliexpress 0.4
AliExpress SDK for ruby.
4,788 下載
ali_express 0.1.1
Get tons of express information easily from ali express service.
4,733 下載
aliexpress-ruby-sdk 1.0
Aliexpress SDK for ruby
2,181 下載
alig 0.1.1
Translates give sentences in to Ali G brand of slang
5,561 下載
ali_gem-test 0.0.2
A simple hello world gem
6,772 下載
align 0.0.2
Provides sequence alignment algorithms
6,249 下載
aligned_table 0.1.0
An easy way to create simple lightweight text tables.
4,370 下載
alignment 0.2.0
Alignment functions for corpus linguistics.
7,588 下載
aligntext 0.1.0
Yet another "column" command in Ruby.
3,067 下載
alimentacion 0.1.0
Representación de alimentos con Programación Orientada a Objetos, utilizando Bundler, T...
2,499 下載
alimentarse 0.1.0
"Clase para mostrar las proteinas, glucidos, lipidos y valor calorico de alimentos"
2,624 下載