RubyGems Navigation menu



Vlad the Deployer is pragmatic application deployment automation, without mercy. Much l...

4,204 下載

andyw8-acts_as_event_owner 1.1.18

Simple calendar events for any ActiveRecord model

56,667 下載

andyw8-itunes-library 0.1.4

A Ruby library that makes it easy to dig around your iTunes Library metadata.

10,156 下載

andyw8-seeing_is_believing 4.2.1

Records the results of every line of code in your file (intended to be like xmpfilter),...

2,390 下載

anecdotally-api 0.3's official ruby binder for the API.

14,016 下載

anecdote 0.2.8

Provides Raconteur tags and front-end code for general-purpose page layouts

110,658 下載

anego 0.0.8

Ruby wrapper for the App Annie API

21,770 下載

anemoi 0.1.2

get weather forecast from expression with natural language (ONLY IN JAPANESE)

9,476 下載

anemone 0.7.2

Anemone web-spider framework

1,081,862 下載

anerian-rack-analytics 0.0.0

A gem that provides rack middleware to capture analytics

4,161 下載

anetwork_dynamicad 0.0.2

This is Anetwork Dynamicad Ruby client, if you want to test our REST API or want to use...

5,155 下載

ang 9.19.0

Intersideral navigation

9,047 下載

angael 0.1.3

Angael is a lightweight library for running repetitive background processes. It handles...

61,385 下載

angband 1.0.1

Self-Documenting APIs for Rack applications

7,306 下載

angel_api_gem 0.0.2

This gem will make it easy for you to get any data you need from the AngeList API.

8,135 下載

angelf-thinking-sphinx 1.3.18

A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search ...

6,208 下載

angelic-dont_repeat_yourself 0.3.0

Generate duplicate lines report

4,256 下載

angelic-suprails 0.2.1

This project is intended to be a replacement for the "rails" command. It does not repl...

4,117 下載

angel_list 0.0.8

wrapper for angel list

34,753 下載

angellist_api 1.1.0

Ruby wrapper for the Angellist API. The AngelList API provides developers with a RESTfu...

128,095 下載

angellist-style 1.0.2

Contains rubocop style decisions to be used across all Ruby projects.

2,306 下載

angell_view_tool 0.1.0

Consists of HTML data for Rails apps

2,774 下載

angelo 0.5.1

A Sinatra-like DSL for Reel that supports websockets and SSE

133,961 下載

angels 0.0.9

Wrapper for daemons gem

45,374 下載

angerfist 0.0.3

Rack middleware for Google Analytics tracking server-side

9,792 下載

ang_first_gem 0.0.2

A simple hello world gem

13,712 下載

angie-core-api 0.8.0

Nomadix CoreAPI Ruby gem

32,434 下載

angle 0.0.1

Angle Framework

2,639 下載

angles 0.0.3

Encapsulates angles in Ruby. Easily switch between degrees and radians. Output in human...

6,887 下載

anglicize 0.1.0

Converts strings from American spelling to English spelling and vice versa.

12,600 下載