RubyGems Navigation menu


arclight 1.4.0

A Blacklight-based environment to support discovery and delivery for archives and speci...

39,093 下載

arco 0.8.2

A fixed sidebar, two column masonry grid jekyll theme.

31,692 下載

ar-column-as 0.0.3

Adds a few simple helper methods that can be used with ActiveRecord::select.

10,204 下載

ar_condition 0.0.2

The SQL Condition builder for ActiveRecord Ruby on Rails.

10,150 下載

ar-configurator 1.1.0

Fatten your models with key/value pairs

6,693 下載

ar_connection_pool 1.0.0

ar_connection_pool was developed by: markbates

6,064 下載

arcopy 0.0.1

Dump and load relational objects between Ruby environments.

2,049 下載

ar_counter 0.0.1

A simple model to model stats/counter. It behaves similar to ActiveRecord counter cach...

5,328 下載

arcrest 1.1.0

Wrapper for ArcGIS REST API

15,868 下載

arcrud 1.0.0

Angular Rails CRUD Operation.

3,804 下載

arcserver.rb 0.1.5

A library for accessing ESRI ArcServer REST APIs from a unified interface

34,382 下載

ar_csv_importer 0.2

Easily add CSV import tools to any ActiveRecord model.

8,327 下載

arctica-autorization-rails-plugin 0.1


5,394 下載

arctic_admin 4.3.1

A responsive theme for Active Admin

2,366,157 下載

arcticelvis 0.0.1

ArcticElvis will help you get more fish, aka sell more. This is a fishing pole.

4,351 下載

arctic-scroll-rails 1.0.0

A simple jQuery link scroll-to plugin for your Rails asset pipeline

3,521 下載

arctic-ui 0.1.0

This is a wrapper for http interactions with the Arctic e-shop core API, allowing to ea...

2,460 下載

arctic-vendor 1.0.1

This exposes a series of normal usage endpoints for Vendors to communicate with the Cor...

13,647 下載

arcus 0.1.8

API and client CLI tool for cloudstack

55,393 下載

arc_weld 0.3.13

Toolkit for building ArcSight resources

13,806 下載

ard 0.2.0

A gem to help create and organize commands in Apple Remote Desktop

3,320 下載

arda 0.1.0

Arda project description tbd

2,219 下載

ar_database_duplicator 0.0.2

Duplicate a complete or partial database with ActiveRecord while controlling sensitive ...

4,793 下載

ardb 0.30.0

Activerecord database tools.

128,832 下載

ar_dbcopy 0.1.0

copy data from one dbms to another via active_record

6,587 下載

ardecy 0.0.3

Ardecy is a security, privacy auditing, fixing and hardening tool for GNU/Linux.

5,380 下載

ar_default_values 0.5.2

ActiveRecord with default values

34,805 下載

ardekantur-gantty 0.1.8

read ( + write ) gantt project xml files

23,059 下載

ardekantur-shnork 0.2.1

make sure your sinatra websites are logically sound

4,133 下載

ardekantur-taskomaly 0.0.8

use taskpaper papers and tasko in ruby

4,082 下載