RubyGems Navigation menu


ar-s3-columns 0.0.3

ActiveRecord::Model extension to write/read an column on AWS S3.

10,978 下載

ar_schema_functions 0.1.1

Populate schema.rb with stored SQL functions

5,746 下載

ars-doppelganger 0.2.0

Ruby Model that can exhibit attributes from another Object

9,664 下載

arsecurity 0.1.3

A security component for Activerecord, it can manage CRUD permissions with attribute le...

20,767 下載

arsenal 0.0.1

A Repository-pattern based ORM

5,246 下載

arsenal_console 2.0.0

Tools to help colorize and manage console output.

8,030 下載

arsenal_console_colors 0.4.0

gem discontinued - please use newer gem: arsenal_console

8,547 下載

arsenic 0.0.2

originally forked from Palkan.

3,533 下載

arsenicum 0.4.2

Arsenicum: multi-backend asyncronous processor.

46,676 下載

ArseniysWeatherApp 0.1.4

This gem is searches your location and based on your location ...

8,138 下載

ar-sequence 0.2.1

Add support for PostgreSQL's SEQUENCE on ActiveRecord migrations

391,711 下載

ar_serialize 0.1.0

Efficient serialize/deserialize of nested Hashes/Arrays including ActiveRecords

7,096 下載

ar_serialized_array 0.3.0

Serialize an array in a column, [] when no set, xx_as_text accessors and more.

26,379 下載

ar-serialize-helpers 1.2.1

Helpers for ActiveRecord's serialize in rails 3

18,187 下載

ar_serializer 1.2.1

ActiveRecord serializer, avoid N+1

15,412 下載

arsettings 1.1.2

ActiveRecord has a lot of support for tables of similar values. But what about those on...

20,379 下載

ar-settings 0.2.0

Simplified, permanent key-value store for global application settings.

6,118 下載

ars-familiar 0.2.0

Ruby Object Metadata Reflector

9,656 下載

arsh 1.1.8

Provides a shell that can run pure Ruby code as well as ordinary linux commands.

62,832 下載

ar_shard 1.0.0

Isolated Multibase Support for ActiveRecord Models with dynamic config

83,615 下載

arsi 1.2.0

Puts your SQL under a microscope

13,852 下載

ar-simple-idmap 0.3.1

Add simple finegrained handcontrolled identity map for ActiveRecord

64,507 下載

ar_sitemapper 1.1.0

Faciliates generating static sitemap XML files from ActiveRecord

7,771 下載

ars-medium 0.2.0

Ruby Web Client that syncs with most models

9,660 下載

ar_soft_delete 0.1.1

This gem takes an open approach and lets you decide how little or how much your pro...

1,975 下載

arson 0.0.2

Adds active-record validations to a json format (to_arson) so that validations can be p...

6,535 下載

ars-permalink 0.1.4

ActiveRecordSchema permalink gem (based on FriendlyId)

17,618 下載

arspy 0.0.8

Active Record Spy

35,667 下載

arssene 0.1.9

Gem for retrieving entries from RSS feeds given the URL of a feed or website

10,630 下載

arst 0.0.3

Abstract Ruby Syntax Tree (ARST) is a high-level language syntax denoting the object do...

8,363 下載