RubyGems Navigation menu


arsh 1.1.8

Provides a shell that can run pure Ruby code as well as ordinary linux commands.

62,929 下載

ar_shard 1.0.0

Isolated Multibase Support for ActiveRecord Models with dynamic config

83,638 下載

arsi 1.2.0

Puts your SQL under a microscope

13,945 下載

ar-simple-idmap 0.3.1

Add simple finegrained handcontrolled identity map for ActiveRecord

64,616 下載

ar_sitemapper 1.1.0

Faciliates generating static sitemap XML files from ActiveRecord

7,785 下載

ars-medium 0.2.0

Ruby Web Client that syncs with most models

9,678 下載

ar_soft_delete 0.1.1

This gem takes an open approach and lets you decide how little or how much your pro...

1,982 下載

arson 0.0.2

Adds active-record validations to a json format (to_arson) so that validations can be p...

6,542 下載

ars-permalink 0.1.4

ActiveRecordSchema permalink gem (based on FriendlyId)

17,650 下載

arspy 0.0.8

Active Record Spy

35,721 下載

arssene 0.1.9

Gem for retrieving entries from RSS feeds given the URL of a feed or website

10,700 下載

arst 0.0.3

Abstract Ruby Syntax Tree (ARST) is a high-level language syntax denoting the object do...

8,378 下載

ar-stemmer 0.4.1

Ar-Stemmer is a Ruby port of Arabic Stemmer from Lucene with extensions.

22,529 下載

arstotzka 1.6.2


45,319 下載

ar_strip_commas 0.1.0

An ActiveRecord extension for properly parsing strings with commas as input to numeric ...

127,966 下載

ar-sybase-jdbc-adapter 0.2.2

Adds support for limit and offset for Sybase ASE DB to activerecord-jdbc-adapter for Ra...

30,100 下載

ar_sync 1.1.2

ActiveRecord data synchronized with frontend DataStore

21,295 下載

arsystem 0.0.2

JRuby Remedy API wrapper - written initially to extract data for Neo4J

6,671 下載

artabl 0.01


1,783 下載

artaius 0.2.1

Artaius is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) bot for KAG (King Arthur's Gold) game. It c...

9,651 下載

artanis 0.1.0

Reverses input

9,089 下載

artascii 0.2.0

Project to generate Ascii art from images.

3,076 下載

artbase 0.3.0


5,323 下載

artbase-cocos 0.0.1

artbase-cocos - artbase (shared) code commons (cocos); read artbase collection configs ...

674 下載

artbase-importers 0.0.1

artbase-importers - artbase (SQL) database machinery 'n' support; build single-file SQL...

646 下載

art_css 1.0.1

A library that generates stylesheets for art websites. It can be used to display random...

5,546 下載

artdeco 1.3.1

Decorate models with views in a object oriented way

21,484 下載

art_deco 0.0.3

Implementation of the decorator design pattern.

14,069 下載

art-decomp 0.4.0

art décomp: an FSM → FPGA decomposer

31,204 下載

artdialog4 0.1.2


8,984 下載