RubyGems Navigation menu


assoc_whisperer 2.1.0

Input associated models directly by id

37,392 下載

ass_ole 0.3.0

Provides features for easy access to 1C:Enterprise applications and 1C:Enterprise serve...

11,253 下載

ass_ole-app_extension 0.2.0

Features for hot plug a ConfigurationExtension to 1C:Enterprise application instance (a...

6,378 下載

ass_ole-snippets-shared 0.5.0

Shared snippets for ass_ole gem

17,454 下載

assonnato 0.8.2

RESTful wrapper gem for Pigro's APIs

47,007 下載

assorted 0.0.3

Add sorting scopes `asc` and `desc` to your ActiveRecord models.

23,938 下載

assplecake-RedCloth 4.2.10

Textile parser for Ruby with auto_link support.

31,011 下載

ass_tests 2.0.0.alpha

It make possible to write tests for 1C:Enterprise on Ruby easy. Access to 1C runtime vi...

5,572 下載

assume 0.1.1

Assume is an assert library with a better name

2,685 下載

assumer 0.4.2

Allows for single or double-jumps through AWS accounts in order to assume a role in a t...

5,331 下載

assumption 0.2.1

A Command-line-interface music chart game where the user has to make a assumption if a ...

6,480 下載

ass_updater 0.1.3

Wrapper for 1C configuration updates service

8,126 下載

assure 1.0.1

Adds assure and internal_error methods

26,904 下載

ast 2.4.2

A library for working with Abstract Syntax Trees.

472,445,188 下載

ast2dot 0.1.1

AbstractSyntaxTree to Dot file.

3,946 下載

astaire 0.3.0

Allows the use of get, post, put, and delete to define actions and then allows the cont...

16,095 下載

astapor 0.0.3

Serf event router. Ported from

10,875 下載

astar 0.0.2

Pathfinding library using the a* algorithm

9,131 下載

a-star 0.1.4

A* Search Algorithm for PNG images

11,164 下載

astarisk 0.2.0

Draw a graph of node tree of RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree

4,093 下載

astar_visualizer 0.0.1

A* Visualizer is an interactive application to visualize the A* pathfinding algorit...

1,942 下載

ast_ast 0.2.1

Easily convert strings into tokens. In the future you will be able to convert these int...

19,992 下載

ast_builder 0.0.1

AstBuilder is an AST tool that makes it easier to build (and eventually manipulate) nodes

2,491 下載

ast_call 1.0.0

Originate calls through Asterisk AMI.

3,814 下載

astdb 0.0.1

Interact with an Asterisk Database (AstDB) instance via ssh.

5,112 下載

ast_distance 0.1.0


2,198 下載

aster 0.0.4

A programming language for configuring servers

13,800 下載

asterank-ruby 0.1.1

Ruby Client to connect to Asterank APIs

4,203 下載

asterisk 3.0.0

This gem is a shorthand for installing Asterisk ARI Client library for Ruby.

3,738 下載

asterisk-ajam 0.0.2

Ruby module for interacting with Asterisk management interface (AMI) via HTTP

25,893 下載