RubyGems Navigation menu


active_press 0.1.0

ActivePress is a set of tools that help with accessing and manipulating the content...

78,651 下載

active_preview 0.1.6

Create previews of ActiveRecord objects that don't ...

14,289 下載

active-profiling 2.0.1

A Rails profiling suite.

35,637 下載

active_projection 0.5.3

Contains everything necessary to build and run projection servers for Rails Disco. ...

57,124 下載

active_prompt 0.0.1

Library to define LLM prompts and evaluate them using multiple providers (OpenAI, Repli...

389 下載

active_prompt_rails 0.1.22

Easily create and manage LLM prompt templates in your rails app.

4,194 下載

active_propagation 0.2.12

ActivePropagation provides classes and ActiveRecord extensions for propagating changes ...

35,034 下載

active_proxy 1.0.2

Easy to use ruby proxy fetcher, supports caching and retries

6,223 下載

active_pstore 0.5.2

This library has Active Record like interface. Use pstore to store data.

44,516 下載

active_public_resources 0.2.9

Normalized searching and browsing of public resources

55,648 下載

active_publisher 1.4.2

A library for publshing messages to RabbitMQ

203,672 下載

active_pubsub 0.0.9

Uses RabbitMQ and ActiveRecord for publishing and consuming model events from any service

32,101 下載

active_pubsub_rails 0.4.0

Simple pub-sub message bus for Rails built on top of ActiveSupportNotifications

9,202 下載

active_qless 9001.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

2,557 下載

activequery 0.2.1

Raw sql with ruby - ideal for reports, large queries, separating SQL from code logic an...

7,347 下載

active_query 0.0.1

Make queries as you filter and save

4,244 下載

active_queryable 0.3.1

Gem to make easier model's filtering, sorting and pagination

11,914 下載

activequeue 0.2.0

Queues and Background Job Runners are becoming as ubiquitous to Rails applications as D...

147,633 下載

activerabbit 0.0.1.beta1

RabbitMQ publishers & consumers in a rails-inspired syntax

2,679 下載

activerain-clearance 0.6.6002

Rails authentication with email & password.

11,649 下載

activerain-mongrel_runit 0.2.3

Use runit to manage a mongrel cluster

4,501 下載

activerdf 1.6.11

Offers object-oriented access to RDF (with adapters to several datastores).

185,671 下載

activerdf_jena 0.1

ActiveRDF adapter to the Jena RDF store

11,170 下載

activerdf_net7 1.7.2

Offers object-oriented access to RDF (with adapters to several datastores). Version of ...

85,772 下載

activerdf_rdflite 1.4.1

an RDF database for usage in ActiveRDF (based on sqlite3)

83,662 下載

activerdf_redland 1.2.2

ActiveRDF adapter to Redland RDF store

47,905 下載

activerdf_rules 0.0.2

A rulebase and forward chaining production system for activerdf databases

19,823 下載

activerdf_sesame 0.2.2

jruby adapter to sesame2 datastore (for usage in ActiveRDF)

38,477 下載

activerdf_sparql 1.3.6

ActiveRDF adapter to SPARQL endpoint

99,496 下載

active-react-admin 0.1.1

This gem use create-react-app and react-admin to automaticly build an admin panel easyl...

4,651 下載