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active_record_callbacks_cop 0.2.0

Custom RuboCop Extension that will prevent you from adding ActiveRecord callbacks to yo...

22,752 下載

active_record_callbacks_debug 0.0.2

Debug callbacks or hook in Active Record

4,515 下載

activerecord_cashier 0.1.0

This gem extends cashier with possibility to add AR objects and classes as keys and aut...

5,021 下載

activerecord-cassandra-adapter 0.1.0

activerecord-cassandra-adapter is a Cassandra adapter for ActiveRecord.

12,145 下載

activerecord-cause 0.7.0

This gem logs where ActiveRecord actually loads record

1,066,328 下載

activerecord_chains 0.0.0

Chains enable definition and evaluation of advanced rules of access to persisted ...

2,603 下載

active_record_change_matchers 1.0.1

This gem adds custom block expectation matchers for RSpec, such as `expect { ... }.to c...

1,338 下載

activerecord-chemistry 0.1.1

Adds several different inheritance patterns for use with Rails models and ActiveRecord ...

5,036 下載

activerecord_chronological_records 0.2.1

Provides a set of helper methods for dealing with chronological records that have commo...

25,110 下載

activerecord-cipherstash-pg-adapter 0.8.5

CipherStash PostgreSQL adapter for ActiveRecord.

95,160 下載

activerecord-clean-db-structure 0.4.3

Never worry about weird diffs and merge conflicts again

330,761 下載

activerecord_clone 0.1.3

Provides the method of 'clone_ar' that can clone your current object. \ Accepts opti...

41,028 下載

activerecord_cloneable 0.3.19

A tool to help with cloning of active record objects.

68,541 下載

activerecord-cockroachdb-adapter 7.1.1

Allows the use of CockroachDB as a backend for ActiveRecord and Rails apps.

585,430 下載

activerecord-coders 0.0.3

A collection of useful coders for ActiveRecord, including a pipeline for chaining them.

12,113 下載

activerecord-collection_cache_key 0.1.3

Make ActiveRecord queries cacheable throughout your apps!

67,344 下載

activerecord-collections 0.0.26

Create collections of records, represented by ActiveRecord::Relation query criteria whi...

80,782 下載

activerecord-colored_log_subscriber 0.1.0

Colorized SQL Logging Backport for ActiveRecord. See

146,465 下載

activerecord_column_comment 0.0.4

this will add an option to add column comment in sql statement on migration

17,584 下載

activerecord-column_metadata 0.1.0

ActiveRecord extension to store column metadata in database as comments on columns

16,862 下載

activerecord-column-reader 1.0.0

Simple ActiveRecord optimization

26,983 下載

activerecord-commentator 0.1.0

ActiveRecord::Commentator adds execute location (filename, line-number and method-name)...

85,546 下載

active_record-comments 0.9.0

Comments for activerecord

32,347 下載

activerecord-comments 0.0.4

Manage comments for SQL tables and columns

9,850 下載

activerecord-committed_observer 0.0.4

adding after_commit_on_create, after_commit_on_update, after_commit_on_destroy to obser...

46,029 下載

activerecord-compatible_legacy_migration 0.1.2

Compatible migration file between Rails 4.2 and 5+

5,313,680 下載

active_record_compose 0.4.1

activemodel form object pattern

10,845 下載

activerecord_composed_of_enum 0.0.4

Provides syntax for composing models of enums.

26,120 下載

active_record_composition 0.0.3

ActiveRecord is awesome, inheritance is not always so awesome. This gem is for people w...

25,154 下載

activerecord-concernable 0.4.0

A DSL for defining ActiveRecord concerns

8,892 下載