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activerecord-mysql-structure 0.0.3

Cleaner structure.sql for MySQL.

12,049 下載

activerecord-mysql-unsigned 0.3.1

Add unsigned option to integer type for ActiveRecord's MySQL2 adapter

388,098 下載

activerecord-mysql-uuid-column 0.6.0

Adds a :uuid column to ActiveRecord MySQL2 Adapter. Store UUIDs as 16 bytes binary column.

12,622 下載

active_record_mysql_xverify 0.4.0

It is a library that performs extended verification when an error occurs when executing...

217,798 下載

active_record-narcissus 0.0.1

Improves the class reflection of relationships

2,418 下載

activerecord-native_db_types_override 0.3.0

Define native database types and change default migration behavior in ActiveRecord/Rails.

1,046,811 下載

active_record_nearest_neighbor 0.3.4

Adds scopes to your models to perform nearest neighbor queries with PostGIS and Postgre...

24,413 下載

activerecord-nested_attribute_destruction 0.2.0

Check if nested attributes were destroyed during the last save

5,132 下載

active_record-nested_attributes-destroy_if 0.3.3

Adds :destroy_if option to accepts_nested_attributes_for, which is basically a stronger...

5,809 下載

active_record-nested_error_indexer 0.1.0

Monkey patch to index nested errors for ActiveRecord 4

4,914 下載

activerecord_nested_scope 1.3.1

An ActiveRecord extension to build nested scopes through pre-defined associations

18,819 下載

activerecord-netezza-adapter 0.1.1

ActiveRecord adapter for Netezza. For use with JRuby. Requires a separate Netezza JDB...

17,149 下載

activerecord-normalizations 1.1.0

Normalize your ActiveRecord models' attributes

6,782 下載

active_record_not 1.0.2

Adds NOT logic to ActiveRecord

22,302 下載

active_record_no_table 0.0.1

Very simple implementation of tableless

9,279 下載

activerecord-not_nil 0.0.2

Add support for a not_nill type to active record.

1,257 下載

activerecord-nulldb-adapter 1.0.1

A database backend that translates database interactions into no-ops. Using NullDB enab...

18,160,672 下載

activerecord_null_object 0.8.0

Implements the Null Object Pattern for nil values in ActiveRecord associations.

364,092 下載

activerecord-nuodb-adapter 2.0.3

An adapter for ActiveRecord and AREL to support the NuoDB distributed database backend.

52,600 下載

activerecord-odbc-adapter 2.0

ODBC Data Adapter for ActiveRecord

32,220 下載

activerecord-odbc-adapter-openedge 2.3.7

ODBC Data Adapter for ActiveRecord

33,802 下載

activerecord-one 1.0.2

Provides `ActiveRecord::Relation#one!`, a convenience method that asserts a relation co...

6,488 下載

active_record_openid_store 0.1.5

A store is required by an OpenID server and optionally by the consumer to store associa...

43,668 下載

activerecord-opentracing 0.3.1

ActiveRecord OpenTracing intrumenter

883,979 下載

activerecord-opentracing-dox-fork 0.2.2.doximity1

ActiveRecord OpenTracing intrumenter

1,903 下載

active_record_or 1.0.1

Adds OR logic to ActiveRecord

82,869 下載

activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter 7.1.0

Oracle "enhanced" ActiveRecord adapter contains useful additional methods for working w...

2,293,359 下載

activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter-monky_patch_755 1.0.0

A monkey patch for oracle-enhanced ISSUE #755.

19,819 下載

activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter-with-schema 0.0.2

Oracle enhanced adapter with schema config support for ActiveRecord (Using this gem, yo...

14,702 下載

activerecord-oracle-queue 1.0.0

This gem extends active record and it's migrations for oracle queue support.

2,647 下載