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active_record_samplooper 0.0.7

Sample a instance from ActiveRecord directory.

18,841 下載

activerecord_sane_schema_dumper 1.0

ActiveRecord::SaneSchemaDumper removes useless/harmful whitespace from Rails’ generated...

4,675,253 下載

active_record_sanitize_attributes 1.0.0

Rails gem to sanitize attributes in write & read methods.

3,223 下載

activerecord_save_many 0.8.0

adds save_many method to ActiveRecord classes for efficient bulk insert and update oper...

82,326 下載

active_record_scanner 0.1.2

Scan your Rails project for inefficient AR queries

6,271 下載

active_record_schema 0.5.13

ActiveRecordSchema is an ActiveRecord extension that allows you to write the database s...

179,335 下載

active_record_schema_scrapper 0.9.0

A supporting library for active_mocker and wrapper around an active_record model.

47,043 下載

activerecord_scoping_with_assoc 0.1.1

Merge scoping to associations

3,441 下載

activerecord_search 1.2

Extends the ActiveRecord predicate builder to allow writing LIKE/ILIKE queries without ...

22,747 下載

activerecord-search 0.2.2

a lightweight search-engine using ActiveRecord

57,183 下載

active_record_seek 0.0.5

Build complex ActiveRecord queries using hash syntax. Includes support for Arel operato...

9,474 下載

active_record_segment 0.1.1

ActiveRecord Segment is an audit tools, deployed by Workstream, Inc (http://workstream....

8,565 下載

active_record-sequence 0.3.0

Provide access to PostgreSQL's sequences

33,820 下載

active_record-serializable 1.0.1

Extension for ActiveRecord to get serializable and marshalizable models using Rasti::Model

1,328 下載

activerecord-serialize_coders 0.0.1

ActiveRecord serialize coders

5,087 下載

active_record_serialize_json 0.1.4

Serialize an ActiveRecord::Base attribute via JSON in Ruby on Rails

66,678 下載

active_record_serverless 0.1.0

ActiveRecord Serverless handle AWS Aurora Serverless

2,355 下載

activerecord_session_cleaner 1.0.1

This gem allows you to automatically remove old sessions from your ActiveRecord.

8,507 下載

activerecord-session_store 2.1.0

An Action Dispatch session store backed by an Active Record class.

38,227,894 下載

activerecord-setops 1.0.1

Union, Intersection, and Difference operations for ActiveRecord

19,081 下載

activerecord_settings 0.0.5

Store settings in your relational database as a simple key value store. Can be used as ...

11,410 下載

activerecord-shard_for 0.7.0

Database sharding library for ActiveRecord

275,784 下載

activerecord-sharding 0.3.2

Sharding library for ActiveRecord(MySQL)

20,461 下載

active_record_shards 5.5.1

Easily run queries on shard and replica databases.

2,055,935 下載

activerecord-shipworks 0.1.9

ActiveRecord for Shipworks.

14,799 下載

activerecord-simpledb-adapter 0.4.12

Gnome Terminal support for Consular without emulation keyboard events

165,007 下載

active_record_simple_execute 0.9.1

Sanitize and Execute your raw SQL queries in ActiveRecord and Rails with a much more in...

6,626 下載

activerecord-simple_explain 0.0.2

explain method for ActiveRecord 3.0.x and 3.1.x

9,272 下載

activerecord-simple_index_name 1.1.1

Shorten index name

112,435 下載

activerecord_simple_oauth2 0.0.0

ActiveRecord mixin for SimpleOAuth2 authorization

2,611 下載